We can all be very pleased with so much about the House Tour!
Folks raved about the houses, the party, and how well it was organized!
We sold an exceptional number of tickets with less than the usual expenses.
This event certainly brought us together with so many people and boosted our esprit de corps. Thanks to Anne and PD, the party had a stupendous backdrop and certainly was a jovial finale.
When we first brought up the idea of a tour in March, we were discouraged by thinking of all the moving parts. Thanks to Barbara Ackerman and Chris McDermott, who’ve been running all ten prior tours, they guided us through what’s required. Their drive and work ethic saw us through every task.
Thanks to each of the hosts, DTC members, and friends who were docents, brought food, drove, placed signs, and did whatever it took to have this success.

Rear L to R: Linda Hubbard, Marie Mennonna (DTC Secretary), Bob Gamper (DTC Treasurer), Ginny Gamper, Mary Ann Lamb, Rachel Booth, Kenric Gubner, Adam Mennonna
Front L to R: Samantha Addonizio Butts, Mary Jane Magoon, Rich Connell (DTC candidate for Town Treasurer), Anne Weisberg (DTC candidate for Planning and Zoning), Don Lowe (DTC candidate for 1st Selectman), Jeff Ginsburg (DTC Chair, Co-Chair of House Tour), Chris McDermott (DTC Deputy Treasurer, Co-Chair of House Tour), Barbara Ackerman(Co-Chair of House Tour), Kate Frey, Sunday Fisher (DTC Vice Chair)
Not Shown: Stan Greenbaum, Paula Cassidy, Andrea O’Connor
Photo: Linda T. Hubbard.