Town Tribune Front Page*, Nov 11. 2021
SHERMAN – Election Day was a busy one for Sherman. Though non-Presidential. municipal elections arc typically quieter, they had a higher than typical turnout this year with 914 residents voting. Democratic Town Committee Chair Mr. Jeff Ginsburg believes that “The BOE races spurred turnout, since structural issues with the Sherman School arc highly discussed around town. Two of the longer-term Republican BOE members chose not to run, increasing Republican interest in turning out the vote. Hence the election of two replacement Republican candidates.”
Republican Town Committee Chair Mr. Rick Hudson was happy that “every single one of our candidates (was) elected!” Of the BOE. he said “Those Candidates we put forward for the BOE are long-term residents who have kids in the schools and who are impacted directly by the decisions of the BOE on multiple levels. Kristin Grasseler and James Philipakos hope to make a real impact on the decision-making process of the BOE and help our school and community move forward with a solid plan for Curriculum, Citizenship and Construction.”
Ginsburg was excited to see the wide support that First Selectman Mr. Don Lowe received. “Known for his more bi-partisan approach to town government, Don Lowe, a Democrat, is a very popular First Selectman with all parties and was the strongest vote-getter. People could have skipped his race since he was unopposed, but instead, they crossed party lines to give him a vote of confidence.” He also noted that “Kate Frey, also a Democrat and well known in town, was the second-highest vote-getter in her first race. She obviously had support from all parties and is viewed as highly qualified and needed on the BOE.”
“Sherman’s elections are not all that partisan.” Hudson said, going on to say that the town “is being very well served by the majority of those in office. This basic tenet is why I firmly believe that most of Sherman’s voters, regardless of their affiliation, feel the same way. Some few might not. and that is to be expected.” He noted, “We did not contest every Office, at least partly because certain functions arc performing efficiently and creating an artificial controversy serves no one.” He’s optimistic that “If we continue to communicate across the divides we will succeed. When we stop talking, everyone will lose, and the greatest impact will be felt by the kids. That is totally unacceptable. 1 truly believe that Sherman is now better positioned to make real progress toward that end.”

*Words in Bold are added. Election Tabulation is also added.