Sherman Democrats Caucus to Elect Delegates
During its March 23rd caucus, the Sherman Democrats unanimously elected its three allocated delegates to the Democratic State Convention to be held at the 30,000 seat Xfinity Theater in Hartford. The delegates are Vice Char Sunday Fisher, Treasurer, Bob Gamper, and Chair Jeff Ginsburg
During that caucus, no one volunteered to be alternates for the state convention nor as delegates for the other conventions: state senate, congressional, state rep, and probate. Therefore, the caucus unanimously voted to give SDTC Chair Jeff Ginsburg the authority to appoint alternates to the State Convention, and up to three delegates each to the Senate, Congressional, and Probate Conventions.
Barbara Ackerman, a former probate judge, will be a delegate to the probate convention.
Dates of the conventions:
May 6th & 7th: State Convention
May 9th: Congressional Convention (nominates the U.S. Representative to Congress)
May 10th: State Senate
May 11th: 108th House District Convention (via Zoom)
May 12th: Probate Judge
If you are a registered Democrat or Unaffiliated, you are welcome to take part and be a delegate in this historic process vital to our democracy. It’s also a chance to get to know other like-minded folks. Please contact shermandems@gmail to find out more.
Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman Announces her Candidacy for the 30th District Seat in the Connecticut State Senate
Contact: Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman, 203-895-4403
To donate to the campaign, click here
NEW MILFORD, CT (March 9, 2022) – Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman, a long-time champion for children and families has announced her candidacy for the 30th District seat in the Connecticut State Senate. Redistricting now has Sherman in the 30th.
“I am ready to work hard for all 18 towns in the 30th District,” said Zimmerman, a Democrat. “I am an organizer at heart. I love talking to people to find out what’s important to them. I look forward to building coalitions among our diverse residents for smart, bottom-up policies that address our needs. And I really look forward to taking those ideas to Hartford and making our voices heard. I won’t be shy.”
Zimmerman is an organizer who advocates for better pay and benefits for workers. “My Dad was a teacher and my mom owned a bakery,” Zimmerman said. “The challenges faced by employees and small-business owners are the challenges that shaped who I am. I have been fighting for working families my whole life. Now, when our health care is threatened by corporate hospitals, the quality of our children’s education is pressured by unequal access to online learning tools, and our environment is in crisis, I will stand up for our communities and find solutions that benefit all of us.”
Zimmerman has local government experience having served a term on the Newtown Legislative Council and statewide political credentials from her 2018 bid for lieutenant governor and her 2016 race for the state legislature. Her passion for public policy yields results. Eva was awarded Latina of the Year by the Connecticut State Legislature as she enrolled more than 15,000 people in the state’s healthcare exchange during the first three years of the Affordable Care Act. Zimmerman also launched “Road to Rights,” a voter registration coalition of more than 60 statewide organizers to support civic education and engagement.
Zimmerman’s energy and commitment to public service won praise from State Rep. Maria Horn (64th), co-chair of the Public Safety and Security Committee. “Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman has spent her career advocating for working families throughout the state and would bring passion and intelligence to representing the 30th District as our Senator. I look forward to the opportunity to work alongside her representing the Northwest Corner” said Horn.
Zimmerman had an earlier introduction to politics than most. Before age two, Zimmerman became a plaintiff in a landmark school desegregation case, Sheff v. O’Neill. The court ruled that “The state had an affirmative obligation to provide Connecticut’s school children with a substantially equal education opportunity … the Court further concluded that school districting based upon town and city boundary lines was unconstitutional.”
Eva’s family lived in the South End of Hartford. Her father, Pedro, is a retired k-12 teacher. He taught at schools in Hartford’s North End during a time in which that community saw violence at unprecedented levels. Eva remembers losing friends to gang and drug violence that plagued Hartford during the years of her youth. Her mother, Carmen, owned and operated a local business located in New Britain, Connecticut that made wedding and sweet fifteen “Quinceanera” cakes. Later on, going back to school for a Bachelor in Education and has worked with special needs children for over 15 years.
Zimmerman attended a regional magnet school in Hartford that was set up in response to the Sheff v. O’Neill verdict. She loved learning and politics was her passion. She volunteered for the Presidential campaign of Al Gore at age 12. At age 16, Zimmerman finished high school early and was selected by Rotary International to go on a humanitarian service project that brought her to the favelas of Brazil. Having grown up in a bilingual community, Zimmerman was fluent in English and Spanish, and during her time in Brazil, she also became fluent in Portuguese. Her experience with the poor in Brazil led her to a career in public policy advocacy, where she has fought against poverty, for wider access to healthcare, and for workers’ rights. She returned to Hartford eager to make a difference. Before college, she worked as a field organizer for Connecticut Public Interest Research Group (CONN-PIRG) helping reduce carbon emissions and create more environmentally sustainable policies.
Eva continued her advocacy during college, protesting the tuition cost increase of the University of Puerto Rico Interamericana, where she was a political science major. She finished her studies cum laude at the University of Puerto Rico Interamericana and was awarded a prestige’s spot representing the government of Puerto Rico through the Cordova Fernos fellowship program where she was stationed with Congressman Rangel Chair of Ways and Means and Representing Harlem New York. As an aide, Eva was assigned to lead abatement, labor relations, and Puerto Rico affairs.
She has been organizing for over 13 years and is currently Director of Child Care and Field Organizing for CSEA SEIU. She most recently received close to 80,000 votes in this year’s Democratic primary.
In more recent years, Zimmerman has been a leader in CT’s fight for a $15 minimum wage, a state Dreamers’ bill, environmental justice, and women’s rights. If elected, she intends to focus her efforts on those kitchen-table issues that affect working families — affordable healthcare, education, the environment, and economic development. “Like many of you, I am proud to call Connecticut home and even prouder of what our district has to offer,” she said. “I am committed to advancing policies that benefit all the citizens here and that optimize those qualities that make the Northwest Corner so special.”
Taking Stock—Accomplishments with Don Lowe as First Selectman—Through Feb 14, 2022
As Sherman enters the fourth year with Don Lowe as First Selectman, it’s gratifying to appreciate what he and the town have accomplished together. Here’s a list of 37 of the more noticeable items.
Taxes and Finances
- Taxes have decreased more than 8% during Don’s first 4 years
- Surplus and capital fund and Happy Acres restricted Fund all significantly bolstered
- After complicated negotiations, we added Sprint/T-Mobile as a carrier and gave Sherman a $26,000 increase in yearly revenue
- Offered property tax relief to disabled Sherman Veterans
- Chose a better investment company for Town employees
Happy Acres
- Happy Acres Farm is now properly managed and, finally, is once again a working farm and a place that Sherman can be proud of calling its own
- Repaired, resurfaced, and repainted the Happy Acres barn and house.
Public Works including Roads and Public Facilities
- Purchased several new implements for Public Works
- Veterans Field Bathrooms are fixed and working.
- Re-surfaced Town Beach Pavilion
- Fox Run detention basin project, the longest-running agenda item in Sherman history (14 years) was completed in Don’s first year
- Strong and active response to blocked roads and power outages from storms
- For the first time ever, Mallory Town Hall has been provided a generator for power outages; Public Works has been provided with a new generator
- After 25 years of requests, the BOS installed ADA compliant entrances into Mallory Town Hall
- Paved the Town/Trinity Church road
- Solved several longstanding drainage issues on Town roads including Hardscrabble Road, Fox Run, and Taber Road
- Improved the face and landscaping at Mallory Town Hall
- Helping the Sherman School move forward with capital repairs and a phased modernization plan
- Better relationship with State partners resulting in Route 39 S being paved and Route 39 N chip sealed.
ESF and Charter Hall Improvements
- Drilled a new well for the Sherman ESF Building/Charter Hall and solved several longstanding water issues there.
- Fixed venting system and improved air safety in the garage bays at the ESF building
- Repaired the floor in Charter Hall
- As promised, there is a far more effective ESF/Charter Hall maintenance plan in effect
Public Health, Safety, and Emergency Response
- Strong and active response to the Covid-19 pandemic
- Formed an Emergency Response Team that meets regularly and continues to improve services during storms, blocked roads, and power outages.
- Formed a CERT TEAM (Citizen Emergency Response Team) – first time ever in Sherman.
- Surveillance cameras at Town parks for better safety
- Increased traffic safety awareness
- After complicated negotiations, we added Sprint/T-Mobile as a carrier and gave Sherman a $26,000 increase in yearly revenue
- As promised, the coordination between Town agencies is greatly improved
- Park and Rec programming has been expanded to include more programs for adults
- Increased tree cutting and removal
Improvements to Quality of Life
- Secured a state grant to improve the Sherman Scout House
- Provided water for the community gardeners
- Better relationship between Town and Eversource and Charter cable
- Added more kayak space
- Made recycling stickers free
- Offered tuition waiver for pre-school parents who suffer financial hardship
- More attention to Candlewood Lake quality-of-life and a stronger more vital Candlewood Lake Authority
The Current State Senator for Our New District Will Retire
Sherman Democrats Announce a Caucus
A Hearty Welcome to the New Democratic Registrar, Sara Laughlin
Sara Laughlin has stepped up and agreed to become Sherman’s Democratic Registrar. She has already begun and appointed Carol Muska as the Deputy Registrar.
Sara and her husband Tim became Sherman residents earlier this year. She is a retired teacher, having taught in the Brookfield Public Schools for nearly 40 years. Sara and Tim are excited to call Sherman home and “are enjoying our beautiful community as well as being closer to our children and grandchildren”.
Tim Laughlin, Sara’s son, serves on the BOE and significantly contributed time and effort to our recent campaign.
We are grateful to our previous Registrar of Voters, Joe Keneally, and the Deputy Registrar, Carol Muska, for all the devoted hours they have volunteered.
The Registrar of Voters, one from each political party, performs all duties required by Connecticut General statutes governing voter registration, the annual canvas of voters, primaries, elections, and the compiling and retaining of statistics for federal, state, and municipal agencies.
Robust Election Turnout for Sherman
Town Tribune Front Page*, Nov 11. 2021
SHERMAN – Election Day was a busy one for Sherman. Though non-Presidential. municipal elections arc typically quieter, they had a higher than typical turnout this year with 914 residents voting. Democratic Town Committee Chair Mr. Jeff Ginsburg believes that “The BOE races spurred turnout, since structural issues with the Sherman School arc highly discussed around town. Two of the longer-term Republican BOE members chose not to run, increasing Republican interest in turning out the vote. Hence the election of two replacement Republican candidates.”
Republican Town Committee Chair Mr. Rick Hudson was happy that “every single one of our candidates (was) elected!” Of the BOE. he said “Those Candidates we put forward for the BOE are long-term residents who have kids in the schools and who are impacted directly by the decisions of the BOE on multiple levels. Kristin Grasseler and James Philipakos hope to make a real impact on the decision-making process of the BOE and help our school and community move forward with a solid plan for Curriculum, Citizenship and Construction.”
Ginsburg was excited to see the wide support that First Selectman Mr. Don Lowe received. “Known for his more bi-partisan approach to town government, Don Lowe, a Democrat, is a very popular First Selectman with all parties and was the strongest vote-getter. People could have skipped his race since he was unopposed, but instead, they crossed party lines to give him a vote of confidence.” He also noted that “Kate Frey, also a Democrat and well known in town, was the second-highest vote-getter in her first race. She obviously had support from all parties and is viewed as highly qualified and needed on the BOE.”
“Sherman’s elections are not all that partisan.” Hudson said, going on to say that the town “is being very well served by the majority of those in office. This basic tenet is why I firmly believe that most of Sherman’s voters, regardless of their affiliation, feel the same way. Some few might not. and that is to be expected.” He noted, “We did not contest every Office, at least partly because certain functions arc performing efficiently and creating an artificial controversy serves no one.” He’s optimistic that “If we continue to communicate across the divides we will succeed. When we stop talking, everyone will lose, and the greatest impact will be felt by the kids. That is totally unacceptable. 1 truly believe that Sherman is now better positioned to make real progress toward that end.”

*Words in Bold are added. Election Tabulation is also added.
Meet Sherman’s Board of Education Candidates
Town Tribune Ad Oct 28, 2021.
Kate Kelley Frey (D)
Kate Kelley Frey seeks a position on the Board of Education. Kate is an elementary school teacher with 33 years of experience in public education and this would be her first run at an elective office. She hopes “To volunteer my time and give back to a town that has supported and given so much to me personally, and to my family over many years.” She also said. “My expertise in curriculum design and best practices would fill a practical need currently existing on the Board of Education (BOE). Running for a seat on the BOE is a stroke of good fortune: to have the special abilities to give back and a strong sense of indebtedness to Sherman.”
Kristin Grasseler(R)
Kristin Grasseler has 20 years of experience in the relocation industry with expertise in customer service, employee management, home sale, global mobility, and executive-level support She has board experience with the Ostomy Awareness Foundation and the Greater Danbury Irish Cultural Foundation. Kristin says that she has made many wonderful friends in the community over the years and hopes to be able to serve and support the families of Sherman.
Her goals are to: inspire transparency and collaboration among the board and the community; ensure that children can thrive in a safe and inclusive environment, and encourage common sense and mindfulness as Sherman tackles the maintenance of The Sherman School building.
James Neunzig (D)
James Neunzig has served on the BOE for the past four years and was recently appointed Chair, lie now seeks a second term. The owner of J.P. Gifford Market. Giffords Catering, and JP Gifford Cafe. James says that “Having served [on] the BOE for the previous four years, I am eager to continue the momentum of that work.” He went on to say that “My style is to work in partnership with parents, other citizens. and town leaders to address the important issues [that are] meaningful to the Sherman community. Investing our tax dollars wisely towards the best school experience for not only the near-term but also for the future is essential to me.”
James Philipakos (R)
James Philipakos works in the banking industry as a mortgage originator and has served on several boards and committees, including the Regional YMCA’s 11 nance Committee and the Northem Fairfield County Association of Realtors (NFCAR). James has also participated in many town efforts, such as the Senior Housing Commission and a separate committee set up to investigate senior tax incentives. He says that his goals for service on the BOE are very simple, “I will communicate with our community and town officials as best as I can; I will make decisions that I believe are in the best interest of the children, I will keep an open mind, and I will respect others.”
Sherman Democrats, The Team that Commits to Being: Accountable, Responsive and Results Driven
Town Tribune Ad Oct 28, 2021. To see the ad, click the title of this post.