Lowe and Blake for Sherman

Citizen News, September 9, 2015.

To the Editor:

I am writing to express my enthusiastic support
for the candidacies of Don Lowe and Ashleigh
Blake in Sherman. While both are familiar, friendly
faces in town, each brings a solid background of
valuable experience with them. Don has served in
the roles of Selectman, Chairman of the Sherman
Land Acquisition Board, and a member of Planning
and Zoning. Ashleigh served as Vice Chairman of
the Sherman Conservation Commission for eight
years and has volunteered extensively in town at the
Library, the Historical Society, Weed Warriors,
Matthews Hearts of Hope, Happy Acres and M25.

But perhaps most importantly, both Don and
Ashleigh bring a deep and informed commitment to
the Sherman School at a time of change and
upheaval there. Don has served as a Board Member
on the Sherman Higher Education Fund since 2001,
and is a regular volunteer at the School. His
educational background includes a Master’s Degree
in professional writing, and he works as an adjunct
professor of college writing. Don tutors local
students of all ages in a variety of subjects. and
takes special interest in working toward academic
excellence with “at risk” students. Don’s talents
were recognized when he was selected as the
Commencement Speaker at the Sherman School
graduation this June.

Ashleigh served as the President of the Sherman
Parent Teacher Organization from 2012- 2015. and
as Secretary of that same board from 2011-2012.
Her devotion to the school is evident in Ashleigh’s
tireless work with the school community, and her
efforts were celebrated when she was the recipient
of the Sherman School Friend of Education Award
in both 2014 and 2015. Sherman School Board
members will recognize Ashleigh‘s regular and
involved presence at their meetings.

With leadership at the Sherman School evolving
and adjustments likely to be necessary as the school
moves forward over the next years, the town will
benefit greatly from the kind of pragmatic, balanced
guidance that Don and Ashleigh have demonstrated
to so many organizations in Sherman, but especially
to the school.

Lisa Bilbrough,

Don Lowe: A History of Working For Sherman


Citizen News, September 9, 2015.

I am humbled by the opportunity to serve my town again. In a town
of Sherman’s size, the Board of Selectmen administers every aspect of
it. Sherman taxpayers deserve to have the board guided by a “hands-
on” First Selectman with his heart in the job, who rolls up his sleeves
and digs in – a leader who is earnestly engaged. I am that person.
That’s the way I have approached every position in life, from my
success in the financial services industry and medical advocacy to my
work in academia as a college professor.

One of the most fulfilling jobs I ever had was serving Sherman as
Selectman from 2004 through 2008 and I wished I could have
continued. However. I decided against running a third term in order to
devote necessary time to my growing family. Now that my children are
older, I am able to dedicate myself full-time to Sherman as its First

Along with many other people who give a lot of themselves to this
town, 1 count myself lucky to have a history of working for Sherman.
Because I wanted to be fully informed on the issues concerning
Shemian, as Selectman I attended immeasurable hours of Sherman
boards and commission meetings. Previous to this. I had the privilege
to earn a seat on Sherman ‘5 Planning and Zoning Board, and later,
after helping form it, I served as chairman of Sherman ’3 Land
Acquisition Fund. Presently. I enjoy helping out as a board member of
the Sherman Higher Education Fund and The Sherman Chamber
Ensemble Board. For me, the best part of all service to Sherman is
meeting and working with other people. Even when philosophies differ,
there is mending in doing the work and getting the job done. When my
family and I moved here 16 years ago, I found this spirit of community
as the most impressive and striking characteristic of Sherman.

In subsequent columns. political gatherings. the public debate. and
any time you ask me, I will be specific about major issues here in
Sherman, especially our finances. I will also explain my views on
bettering town maintenance, creating a stronger relationship between
the school and the Board of Selectmen, assisting the merchant and
tradesmen, improving cell service and enhancing emergency services,
helping our seniors. caring for our natural resources, and protecting
Candlewood Lake. In addition, I will let you know how I will bring
transparency and effectiveness to the office of First Selectman.

Meanwhile, let me introduce myself. I grew up on a farm along the
Northern Pacific train tracks a mile east of McHenry, North
Dakota. Much of what I miss about my rural upbringing is cheered by
Sherman’s small town appeal. I hold a Master‘s Degree in Professional
Writing and a Bachelor’s Degree in Theater and Speech with minors in
communication and journalism. I have many interests and they include
most sports, songwriting, theater, fishing, hunting, hiking, and my
greatest interest: my family. My wife of 26 years is Mary Ann Lamb, 3
professional dancer and choreographer. I have three children – David,
28, Connor, 2], and Rose 12 – all who attended Sherman School.

Please feel free to call or email me with regard to Sherman related
issues. My email is: dnldlw@aol.com: cell phone: 860 778 3394; home
phone: 860 350 4115.

2015 Sherman House and Garden Tour

On Saturday, September 19th, 2015 between 10 am and 1 pm.

SDTC has announced its 2015 House and Garden Tour. Tour five fabulous Sherman homes and gardens. Purchase your tickets either from a DTC member, at a local business, or online.

On Saturday, September 19, 2015, go to the front of the Sherman School between  9 and 10 am to get your ticket (if bought online), program and map. Use the map to find your way to the homes open for your tour.


Sherman DTC Chooses Lowe and Blake to Head Slate


On July 22 the Sherman DTC nominated a talented collection of candidates firm in offering Sherman responsive, effective, and accountable leadership. Former Selectman (2003-07) Don Lowe heads the slate as First Selectman. His running mate for Selectman is former SPTO chairman, Ashleigh Blake.

“Naturally, I’m humbled and honored to be chosen as the party’s nominee for First Selectman. I very much enjoyed serving on Sherman’s board of selectman and I am looking forward to taking on a greater leadership role,” said Mr. Lowe, who also served on planning and zoning and is a former chairman of the Sherman Land Acquisition Fund. He currently serves on the Sherman Higher Education Fund Board and over the years has been active in various town boards, committees, and activities.

“I couldn’t be more thrilled with my running mate,” continued Mr. Lowe. “Ashleigh is well respected throughout town as someone who cares about Sherman and the people who live in it. Her work as the president of the Sherman PTO along with her extensive volunteering in town has been remarkable. She is a worker bee who gets things done.” Mr. Lowe noted that Ms. Blake served for eight years on Sherman’s Conservation Commission and regularly attends town and school board meetings.

“Our approach is non-partisan,” said Mr. Lowe. “Ashleigh and I want what is best for Sherman. We have asked the committee not to nominate individuals for positions that are already filled by capable and commendable people.” According to Mr. Lowe these positions include town clerk, town tax collector, and town treasurer.

Rounding out the Democratic slate is a powerful mix of current experience and fresh faces. Rowland Hanley will once again run for Board of Education. Rowland has been a pivotal member of the Board of Education most recently serving as Chairman during an exceedingly active period for the board. Chris Jellen will be returning to the Board of Education where his commitment, work ethic and facilities related expertise have been indispensable. Missy Alexander, current Dean of Arts and Sciences at Western Connecticut State University, will bring unparalleled knowledge as a new member of the Board of Education.

No stranger to all aspects of Sherman, John O’Connor will be running for his current position on the Board of Assessment Appeals. Mary Lee, who has been a valued member of the Planning and Zoning Commission, will also run for the seat that she has held as a full member. Returning to run as a Planning and Zoning Alternate is Jerrold Siegel. Jerry attends many town meetings and took the initiative to get appointed to Planning and Zoning earlier this year. Ryan Peburn is a fresh face to town government but no stranger around town. Ryan’s “all in” approach to the various athletic events he participates in will surely carry over to his service on the commission.

Holiday Point favorite Leonard Schaer will be a fresh face to the Zoning Board of Appeals. Len is running for a term beginning in 2017. The ever-capable trio of Joe Kenneally, Ernie Dech and Ken Knipple will all be returning to run for their long held positions as Town Constables.

We are proud and enthused to present such an amazing group of community-minded individuals to our town. They exemplify the spirit of volunteerism that allows our community to thrive.