Sherman Selectmen Candidates Answer Questions

Ashleigh Blake
Democratic Candidate for Selectman
By Veronica Scheer, Citizen News October 14, 2015

In an interview with Ashleigh Blake, who is running for Selectman on the Democratic ticket, she was asked why she chose to run for this position. She responded by saying “it was a natural progression …initially when I came to town, I joined the Conservation Commission and was involved with a lot of town activities. In 2012 I joined the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) and attended many town meetings such as Planning & Zoning, Board of Selectmen, and the Board of Education. And it seemed natural to take that next step because I am invested in the town and want to make a difference.”

When asked how she has kept up on town business as it relates to the Selectmen, she said as a member of the Conservation Commission from 2006 to 2013 she was involved with several major town items such as four acre zoning and the natural resource report. Over the past year she has regularly attended the Selectmen meetings, follows town items in the papers, and through discussion with various town leaders and residents.
The next question was what action should the town take concerning affordable senior housing. She pointed out the former housing commission did a lot of work on bringing this type of housing to the town and felt they were “not truly heard” and given the time they needed to explain things. “If I were First Selectman at the time, I would have remained more neutral. I would have put all the information out there and not taken a particular side and let the town vote. I felt that that vote was skewed with hearsay and a lot of rumors such as seniors driving over children on the soccer fields. I think it needed an air of neutrality that was not there.” She recalled the Anderson Road affordable housing development previously brought to the Planning & Zoning. Commission where the developer implied the reasons the town had turned down this project were invalid and suggested they might appeal to the state under its Affordable Housing Land Use Appeals process. Sherman is vulnerable to developers who proposed to build affordable housing projects as the town does not meet the required 10% minimum affordable housing units set by the state. She said “that threat could always pop up again and that is not ideal for the town as far as managing growth. I feel if we could provide some affordable housing for our seniors, we could kill two birds with one stone…and would show we were making every effort to provide this type of housing.” She pointed to some of her peers who have aging parents, and they would like housing that is close to them where their parents can be active in their own community and not be isolated in a single family home.

When asked for one skill she possesses that would be of value as one of the town leaders, she said “hard working” and “very tenacious.” .She really devotes herself to all the projects she has been involved in and will put in as many hours as necessary to get the job done. Her people skills are another asset that she used as a member of the PTO where she would interface with the parents, teachers and students. “You need to listen to people’s needs and translate it into something that can be done within the school environment.”

Outside of  recommending potential sites and interested land owners to Homeland Towers for improved cell service in the south and north ends of town, what else night the town do to make this happen? She said “for right now, the town should listen “to them [Homeland Towers and the grass root group called Residents for Reliable Cell Service in Sherman, CT] and remain open and see what Homeland comes back with.”

When asked about Happy Acres farm and possibility of establishing a farm committee who would represent the town’s interest in the property, she felt a farm committee should be established. Such a committee could be the mediator between the residents
and Full Circle and help keep residents informed on farming activities as well as help the farmers to succeed.

During the Selectmen meetings there are two opportunities for the public to ask questions and some questions are answered while other may not receive a response. What are your thoughts about this process? Ashleigh felt, when possible, answers should be given; however, there are times when the question will need to be researched. And for those unanswered, the Selectmen should get back ‘to that person.

What do you see as the most challenging items facing the town? She believes senior housing will be one of the challenges facing the town and how that is dealt with either from the town or an independent developer. The former kindergarten wing at the school
where mold and other issues were found will need some type of mediation at a cost to the town. She felt municipal facilities maintenance will be another issue and did not agree with the town’s decision to cut the facilities manager position and characterized this decision as lacking foresight and requires the town to hire a clerk-of-the-works for
such projects as the new school boiler project and the construction of the public works truck wash station.

When asked about the recent announcement that there is a surplus of approximately $450,000 for the 2014-15 year, $425,000 0 which is recommended to be transferred into the capital nonrecurring fund, she questioned how this was characterized as handing back money to the taxpayers. She said “the taxpayers are not getting it; it is not a check being written to you or me, our taxes went up and if, in fact, this amazing
surplus is there, then what are we doing. I question the management as the taxes went up but we have this large surplus. Either the surplus is not there as it is all earmarked to pay for a specific projects such as the new school boiler and it is like smoke and mirrors…or
we should not have that much overage and been taxed.”

She feels, as Selectman, it is important to attend as many meetings as possible such as the Board of Education; particularly, during budget season, and feels this is lacking under the current administration. The goal being to “listen and be informed. This ties back to those people who volunteer for these positions feeling respected, and they are
doing a job that is being seen and heard, and they are highly regarded making their volunteer work worthwhile for them.”


Ashleigh Blake has lived in Sherman with her husband, Joel, and two children for 17 years. She has served on the Conservation Commission for eight years, just finished four years on the Sherman Parent Teacher Organization where she was president for three years and regularly attends monthly Board of Education and Board of Selectmen
meetings, and has volunteered at the school, library, Historical Society, Weed Warriors and Matthew’s Hearts of Hope.

Bi-partisan Leaderships Leads the Day


Citizen News, October 14, 2015

I am compelled to write how delighted I am with
all of the campaign support we’ve received. Both
the financial support and the goodwill sent our way is
remendously appreciated. Thank you! Meanwhile,
we’re working hard toward a fresh start for Sherman.

First, however, let me recommend a terrific book:
Step Forward America! by Sherman resident. Ted
Hollander. Mr. Hollander emphasizes the notion of
national service for America’s youth in order to lift
America up. Full of interesting facts, Step Forward
America! is absent of any political slant and the
resulting polarization. One can easily connect this
book’s thesis to Sherman, a town full of volunteers,
dedicated to the service of Sherman.

I also applaud my running mate, Ashleigh Blake,
who somehow found time (between family,
meetings, the campaign, and delivering meals to
those in need) to attend grant writing workshops in
preparation to help Sherman find dollars for
upcoming projects. I know a thing or two about
writing myself, and Ashleigh and I will make a
strong team in that area for Sherman.

Along with bringing a sturdier work-ethic and
better effectiveness, another goal of mine is to mend
the political fence between the town’s political
parties. Sherman initiatives would run much more
effectively without the yoke of party politics. For
example, after being asked to run for First
Selectman, I requested that the DTC not  run
candidates for positions already adequately filled.
Chairman Joel Bruzinski immediately agreed. Yes,
the DTC had candidates for town treasurer, town tax
collector, and town clerk. But did we have better:
candidates? Eric Holub and Tabitha Fazzone are
terrific at their jobs. And I don’t want to purchase
my hunting and fishing licenses from anyone but
Carol Havens. Why expend energy (and acrimony)
to fix what isn’t broken? Also, I found myself
nodding in agreement with Clay Winters and Bruce
Hoag over their recent letters of support for Bob
Ostrosky. Yes, that’s the Bob I know too. Frankly,
it’s highly likely that both Bob and Ashleigh will earn seats on the Board of Selectman. That’s a lot of talent! I’d be proud to serve with both.

I will not, however, allow my opponent’s recent
campaign untruths to go uncorrected. Mr. Cope
claims that I am responsible for Sherman’s debt
(borrowed money via bonding to pay for projects).
That’s just political mumbo-jumbo. Or, if it’s not,
then Mr. Cope displays a child-like knowledge of
budgetary and capital improvement matters.
Sherman citizens VOTED and APPROVED – in
some cases overwhelmingly – the EMS facility’s
reconstruction, the new library, to purchase Happy
Acres, to purchase open space, and for town
maintenance projects. Does Mr. Cope believe we
‘should have stockpiled the taxpayers’ money (“pay
as you go” he blithely says!) for many years down
the road to pay for these voter-approved projects?
Does he think it fair that the people who approved
these projects should wait 15 or 20 years to see them
come to fruition? Under Mr. Cope’s “logic”
someone new in town, say in year 2035, would get
to enjoy the “grand opening” of the new library that
voters approved 20 years earlier? And voters,
especially newer residents to Sherman, don‘t be
misled by Mr. Cope’s claim that he rescued our
bond rating (a centerpiece of his accomplishments).
The Moody’s rating has been the same (Aa2), the
highest a town of Sherman’s size can achieve, since
2008. A negative outlook, however, was issued in
2013 on Mr. Cope’s watch. He fixed his own
mistake. Is that an accomplishment?

When I’m First Selectman I will not propagate
this sort of misleading info. It divides us. Every day
‘when I walk into work I will take a directive to find
solutions to Sherman’s challenges always with an
eye‘ to bringing us together. Most importantly, I will
give the job the 60 hours a week it requires and that
you the taxpayers deserve. Yes, I’ll fight hard for
Sherman. Feel free to call or email me anytime.
Phone: 860 350 4115; Email:
Thank you!

Sherman First Selectmen Candidates Answer Questions

All four candidates were interviewed on similar topics affecting residents.

Don Lowe
Democratic Candidate for First Selectman
By Veronica Scheer, Citizen News October 14, 2015
ln a recent interview with Don Lowe he was asked how he has kept up with the business of the Selectmen. As he expects to be elected and wanted to go into this position knowing what is going on around town, he has attended the Selectmen meetings for over a year along with
other commission meetings and spent time talking with residents about their concerns and what might need improvement.

When asked what action he thinks the town should take concerning affordable senior housing, he said “the main thing the town can
do is offer residents a thorough, accurate, and reasonable and fair
information process. The Sherman Housing Commission (SHC)
had worked for four years on this issue, and they had a lot of important information and so much of it went by the wayside. The
Selectmen did not seem to be listening nor was the factual SHC
information being effectively disseminated to residents. What ended up happening was rumors and innuendos took over resulting in the voters thinking seniors were going to run over children playing on the soccer fields, Colonial Park was going to be destroyed, and that outsiders were going to overrun our town…the Board of Selectmen should have
squashed this unreasonable talk, should have recognized it as rumors rather than let it flourish and allow the town to really see what the issues were. There are reasonable reasons to be against this and there are reasonable reasons to be for it. Those factual reasons should have been brought to the forefront and that is the real job of the First Selectman
leading the Board of Selectmen as opposed to leading the Board of Selectmen as opposed to supporting an issue or being against it.
After the issue has been decided, that is a good time for the First Selectman to express opinions. ” He is not sure whether he supports the idea or not because he believes no one in town has received enough information to make their own decision.

When asked for one skill that will be of value as one of the town leaders, he felt it was more an attribute rather than a skill. He said “I like people and I’ve always wanted to help people get along. You cannot make everyone happy but at least satisfy people in the sense they have had their questions answered and their issue “was resolved. . .. So my
greatest attribute is my people skills; the ability to listen and the ability to respond, I am an extremely hard worker and. . .have strong work ethics.”

In response to the question of what, if anything, should the town be doing to support Homeland Towers efforts to install a cell tower to improve telecommunication services in both the south and north ends of town, he said “I have spoken with the grass roots group working with Homeland, and they want a First Selectman who is on their side,
who believes this is a good idea, is encouraging about their work and is encouraging to the public about the need for reliable cell service. They want someone in the head of this town who is interested in their subject and wants cell service in these dead zones and I do.”

What do you think the town should do to support the tenant farmers while still protecting its assets…is having a Farm Committee the answer? He said when he becomes First Selectman he would study the current contract between the town and the tenant farmers to understand its parameters. He is “reluctant to start a committee until I have a chance to work with the farmers to understand their operation and would wait on
establishing a committee.” He did point out that the farmers and the IGA may be competing against each other relative to produce they grow and may bring in from other farms. Don said in a conversation with Mike Louzi, owner of the IGA, Mr. Louzi said it is hard to compete with a subsidized business. Don does not believe anyone in town
wants to lose its grocery store. He does not know the answer right now and believe this will be an important issue going forward.

Residents often ask questions at the Selectmen meetings. How do you think these questions should be handled? He feels the policy of providing a public comment segment during the meeting is fine. However. “he is amazed at how many times the questions are not answered. There are times when people ask questions and the response could be as simple as ‘we don’t have an answer right now but will get back to you.’ My BoS meetings are going to be very different than they are now. They are going to be audible, particularly in the back of the meeting room. I would like to try to allow public comment per each issue on the agenda…and I will try to control the comments to stay
on point.”

The most challenging item facing the town is “always the budget. Trying to keep taxes low while trying to keep services up and making the budget transparent so the taxpayers can understand it is a big challenge.” How to fund the various organizations is difficult
“and sometimes you have to say no. When previously sitting on the board, I found it was difficult to see people disappointed. There is one more pressing item – town maintenance. Right now, the town is wasting money as the current First Selectman tries to manage town maintenance on his own. Projects are taken one at a time, and now, since the maintenance facilities manger’s position was eliminated, we pay for a clerk-of-the-works per each project. Losing this position also eliminated the expertise of someone in the trades who knows best practices. As First Selectman, I will restore order to the way we maintain our town – it will save us money.”

Finally, he said he is “running for First Selectman to see the town run in a more open and transparent way. My previous experience as a Selectman along with being a member of the Land Acquisition Board, Planning & Zoning, Sherman Higher Education Fund and other groups in town makes me uniquely qualified to be an effective town
leader who will work hard for the taxpayers of Sherman.”


Don Lowe moved with his family to Sherman in, 2000 and became involved in the town by running book discussions at the library and was a volunteer at the school. He served on Planning & Zoning from 2000-03 and was elected to the Board of Selectman for two terms from 2004 to 2008. He was chairman of the Land Acquisition Fund Board, served on the Sherman Higher Education Fund Board for 12 years and is on the
Chamber Ensemble Board. He is active as an Adult Education teacher in Sherman.


In Support of Don Lowe and Ashleigh Blake


Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 14, 2015.

To the Editor:

If there is one word which describes both Don
Lowe and Ashleigh Blake it would be sincere. We
have known both candidates for many, many years,
and have seen their commitment to Sherman long
before they ever considered seeking the offices of
First Selectman and Selectman.

We know Don to be an intelligent, caring man
who possesses a genuine rapport with both young
and old. He listens to people’s needs and responds.
Don began serving Sherman 15 years ago as a
Selectman, member of Planning and Zoning. and
Chairman of the Land Acquisition Board. His
accomplishments serving in Sherman town
government make him highly qualified for the
position of First Selectman.

Don and his wife Mary Ann have been involved
Sherman School parents for 16 years (their third
child is still in the school). Don has taken a strong
academic interest in Sherman students as a school
volunteer, Sherman Higher Education Fund board
member, and as a private tutor. He is credited with
raising SAT scores for countless college-bound
Sherman students!

Volunteers are the quiet workforce that run
Sherman, and Ashleigh Blake is the quintessential
selfless volunteer. She and her husband Joel have
been giving back to Sherman for seventeen years,
and Ashleigh has one of the best volunteer resumes
in town. As SPTO President she was an invaluable
asset to the school, never delegated her
responsibilities, and quickly earned the respect of
Sherman parents and teachers. Ashleigh is an
excellent role model to her own two children, and
they are ofien seen working alongside their mom.
Nate and Eden are proud to be Sherman’s youngest
Weed Warriors!

Ashleigh is the person working – quietly and
tirelessly behind the scenes, never looking for
recognition. For this reason she was recognized
twice! – as the Sherman School Volunteer of the
Year, and most likely will be again.

Sherman is very fortunate to have two very strong
candidates for First Selectman and Selectman. Our
town is ready for sincere, hardworking leaders like
Don Lowe and Ashleigh Blake. We are proud to call
them our friends.

John and Marilyn Dwyer,

Support for Don Lowe and Ashleigh Blake


Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 14, 2015.

To the Editor:

I would like to describe Don and Ashleigh‘s styles and contrast that with the incumbents. I’ve attended several meetings they led and know of them through their reputations.

Don is an energetic, warm, and active listener. He focuses on the input of each person, responds with intelligence and energy, and creatively synthesizes what has come before and then leads, mixing in his
own inclinations. He kept the meetings moving forward without any hint of steamrollering.

Ashleigh speaks her intentions clearly and forcefully. Ofien I saw how she integrates suggestions into her own momentum; the quick result is a refined and effective position. I’m inspired to take action after hearing her words. No wonder she has been ofien honored for her volunteer work and leadership. She speaks in complete sentences, one of the clearest thinkers I’ve encountered.

To select confidently for the town’s future, I look at what the incumbent leader has promised, has delivered, and his style of leadership.


  • Taxes rose significantly during the last four years
    (to generate a $460,000 surplus, each Sherman citizen on average had to pay at least 10% more in taxes)
  • People complain about the First Selectman’s lack of responsiveness and engagement (e.g. abstaining from voting on the senior housing referendum)
  • No specific amount of saved money has been claimed to occur from any of his initiatives
  • His project management of the ESF and library fell short of his promises
  • His reticence on supporting the lake

I believe Don and Ashleigh’s administrative skills, engagements and affiliations with a wide range of town people, and style of inspiring cooperation will bring a needed strength and vitality to the future of our town.

Jeff Ginsburg

Supporting Don Lowe and Ashleigh Blake

Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 14, 2015.

To the Editor:

Sherman is incredibly fortunate to have two such dynamic people
step forward to lead Sherman. My wife and I have been dear friends of
Don and Ashleigh and their families for well over a dozen years. We
have had the pleasure of watching them in both personal and
professional circumstances and can attest to their dedication,
professionalism, and myriad qualifications. They have given and
continue to give of themselves for the betterment of Sherman. Each of
them has a long history of working for the well being and benefit of our
cherished town. Sherman needs them.

We need Sherman to run smoothly as a town and for the residents of Sherman who have a wide range of perspectives and priorities to feel heard. We need our leaders to act in the best long-term interest of the town. We believe in Don’s leadership skills, qualifications and perspective. I know that if you knew him as well as I do you too would feel great about the future of Sherman if Don & Ashleigh are at the helm.

Many of you know that Don Lowe spent four years as a Selectman
and has given of his talents and time to Sherman for years since. He is
ideally suited to be our next First Selectman. Personally, I worked with
Don on many Sherman conservation issues and witnessed his passion
for protecting Sherman’s rural character. His easy-going manner is a
perfect balance for his assertive leadership skills. In negotiations and
meetings he makes those around him feel valuable and included. Repeatedly, Don will downplay his own role and always make sure the hard work of his team is acknowledged as a group and individually. This is a rare and critical characteristic of a good leader.

If you have not had the pleasure of meeting Ashleigh, she is an
extraordinary individual. She has the energy of a dozen people
combined. The dedication she has for the town of Sherman runs deep.
I ‘m not sure how Ashleigh finds the time to accomplish all that she
does for Sherman, but thankfully, she does. It is Sherman’s good
fortune that an individual of Ashleigh’s character is stepping into a
bigger leadership position as a Selectman. She is exceptionally
organized, thorough, and thoughtful. Like Don, her people skills and
intelligence will produce better management of Sherman’s budgetary and long-term needs.

With confidence and pride, I support Don and Ashleigh’s run for
First Selectman and Selectman respectively and encourage you to do also.
David Wieder
Sherman CT

Which Candidate is Right for Sherman

Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 14, 2015.

To the Editor:

The dialogue leading up to this year’s election has
included mention of the First Selectman’s purchase
of capital equipment without the required Town
approval (SandPro) – he should know better by now
-his deliberate refusal to inform or at least open a
timely discussion regarding the selection of
membership in a HVCEO replacement organization,
his over-budget/over reliance on attorney opinion,
his questionable recounting of our Town’s past and
current financial position (fortunately this was
cleared up in a recent news publication) and his
penny wise-pound foolish decision to eliminate the
Town‘s Facilities Manager’s position. This latest
decision has already begun to backfire and has
started to cost the Town unnecessary tax dollars.

Speaking of costing the Town, his attitude towards
volunteers has cost the Town mightily, too. Why
have people stopped volunteering? Read on.

Lowe/Blake’s focus is on government
transparency and the lack of volunteerism occurring
throughout the current First Selectman’s tenure.
Volunteerism, one of many attributes that make
Sherman unique, is essential in keeping the pipeline
flowing. Why are fewer people volunteering now? I
cannot answer with complete certainty, but I can
share my experience. When becoming aware of this
shortfall, I volunteered for some opportunities. The
First Selectman’s inability to follow-up in a sincere
manner was disappointing. Feel flee to contact me for further explanation.

At a time when Sherman desperately needs
volunteers, should one’s party affiliation determine
who is chosen? That should only be a consideration
when complying with minority representation
statutes. Some voters remain loyal to their party of
registration on the national front. It seems
appropriate to put that aside on the local level and
do what’s right for Sherman. Talk to P&Z
volunteers who devoted their time and effort
towards the possible cell tower sites, only to
discover the First Selectman at the last minute
abandoned their combined efforts. His treatment of
these unpaid volunteers was nothing short of
shabby… a plausible explanation for the downward
trend of volunteerism.

Published author & college professor, Don Lowe, a
candidate for First Selectman, holds a Masters
Degree and works with “at-risk” students. Don is a
former selectman (2004-2008), former Chairman of
Sherman’s Land Acquisition Board, member of
Planning & Zoning and Sherman Higher Education

Ashleigh Blake holds a BFA degree from  Parsons School of Design. Ashleigh was the Vice  Chairman of the Sherman Conservation Commission, President of the Sherman PTO, Secretary of the Sherman PTO, and a Recipient of the Sherman School Friend of Education Award twice, volunteer at the Sherman School, Library,
Historical Society, Matthew’s Hearts of Hope, Matthew 25 and Happy Acres. Lowe/Blake’s team supports “inclusion” of all regardless of one’s party affiliation, not “exclusion”.

Forget the perfunctory, pro-forma glossies you see l in the local papers, the lackluster support the First  Selectman is receiving from his own party in contrast to that of his running mate is telling…the
silence is deafening.

I hope you’ll join me in voting for the
Lowe/Blake team, the team that’s right for all
Sherman residents.

Ann Chiaramonte,

Lowe has High Ideals

Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 7, 2015.

To the Editor:

I recall the first time I met Don Lowe. It was on a
veterinary house call to vaccinate his new, beloved
beagle puppy. As I waited in the living room of his
charming farmhouse, a framed vintage photo of a
bison herd on his wall caught my eye. This
conversation piece proved to be the beginnings of a
long and continuing friendship. I learned that Don
was the son of a North Dakota dairyman-tumed-
cropduster. His backyard and playground was a
landing strip and wheat farm in prairie pothole
country. There, as in Sherman, it is the countryside
and natural beauty that dominates and shapes the
man. Don earned a degree in journalism at North
Dakota State and then migrated east to New York
City to pursue an interest in the entertainment
industry. As a result Don, much like Sherman. is a
mixture of the best qualities of the country boy and
city man.

Although we still own a house in Sherman. it’s
been over a decade that it’s been our home. Yet I
often think of Don as local crop clusters, who still
ply the skies of rural Idaho, dust the surrounding
comfields for spider mites and spray the spring
wheat for rust. The pilots demonstrate admirable
grace and skill as they make precipitous dives and
then skim the crops to drop a precise load on their
target. I know that Don, at the helm of Sherman’s
selectmen, would exercise similar good judgment and
talent and will practice careful stewardship in town

His unique blend of urban sophistication and rural
common sense, caring nature and strong work ethic
make him a fine fit for town government. I strongly
recommend that you vote for Don Lowe for First

Paul Biagiotti, DVM
Jerome, Idaho

Support for Ashleigh Blake

Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 7, 2015.

To the Editor:

In the race for Selectmen I would like to show my
support for Ashleigh Blake. I am a registered
Republican who is putting her party aside and voting
for the changes and hard work that I know Ashleigh
will bring to this position.

As a friend of Ashleigh I have witnessed her work
tirelessly at everything! She is a woman of strong
values that are consistent with our great town. She
is decisive and brings a vision of growth to our
future. I watch her time and time again bridge
differences, make compromise and most importantly
take groups and achieve results.

People in Sherman are committed to their
community and making it better. Ashleigh Blake is
a leader who has the patience and ability to take
Sherman into this next phase. She is someone who
we are lucky to have and makes me proud to be a
part of this great town.

Kristina Wilmot,