Sherman Democratic Town Committee Newsletter 3/21/17




Welcome to our first newsletter! Our goal is to share with local Democrats news and resources to help us stay involved for positive change on a state and local level. We are committed to working for and with the citizens of Sherman to promote issues, initiatives, and candidates that will make Sherman a better place to live and work.

Upcoming Events!

Sherman Democratic Town Committee Events:
Sherman Democratic Town Committee Regular Monthly Meeting
All registered Democrats from the town of Sherman are invited to attend our monthly meetings.

Sherman Town Government Events:
Democracy depends on citizens getting involved: Please support your community by attending meetings, particularly Town Meetings and Board of Selectmen Meetings, to learn more about the many issues that are important in Sherman:

Sherman Board of Selectmen Meeting
Thursday, March 23, 7 PM
Mallory Town Hall

BOS Hearing on Proposed Budget
Tuesday, April 4, 7 PM
Mallory Town Hall

Sherman Board of Education
Wednesday, April 5, 7 PM
Library Media Room, Sherman School

Candlewood Lake Authority
Wednesday, April 12, 7:30 PM
Mallory Town Hall

Contact Your Representatives!

Sherman is lucky to be represented by two Democratic senators and a Democratic representative in Congress–but don’t think that your phone calls in support of their votes and actions do not matter. Senator Chris Murphy, speaking recently at a campaign-training event, made it clear that tallying up those supportive calls from his constituents helps him maintain a strong case for his positions. Sherman’s state-level representatives are both Republicans.

Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty
(860) 223-8412  (202) 225-4476

Senator Chris Murphy
(860) 549-8463   (202) 224-4041

Senator Richard Blumenthal
(860) 258-6940   (203) 330-0598   (202) 224-2823

State Senator Michael McLachlan  Senate District 24
(860) 240-0068

State Representative Richard Smith  House District 108
(860) 240-8700

Sherman Alerts!

On February 23, Sherman BOS held a special meeting to vote on a wide variety of items, from refurbishing the town tennis courts and providing new Trex docks on the high-cost end, to instilling a new dog leash ordinance and armchairs for the senior center on the free- to low-cost side. In unusually large attendance, Sherman residents, across all party and demographic lines, demonstrated their basic unity by voting, practically unanimously, and within an hour, in favor of all the proposed items.

The regularly scheduled Sherman BOS meeting wasn’t outwardly combative, as in January when Selectman Don Lowe challenged Clay Cope’s rush-through appointment of the Republican Committee’s head George Linkletter to the CLA. Video of the exchange concerning this appointment takes place at about 10:30 on the video of the meeting:
Click here to see page of videos

As the summer months approach, attention from residents of Sherman and surrounding communities remains focused on the issue of our most essential local resource, Candlewood Lake.

During the BOS meeting, First Selectman Clay Cope promised there would be a special meeting, to be held “soon,” “on a Saturday during a budget meeting,” concerning Sherman’s specific concerns about Candlewood Lake. Coming on the heels of the overwhelming rejection of chemical treatment of the lake, demonstrated on March 3rd at New Fairfield’s special meeting on the subject, this promised meeting would be an essential step forward in defining Sherman’s current and ongoing position on the managing the lake’s ecological issues.

As of this mailing, no meeting has been scheduled. Here’s what you can do: Learn about the issues. Attend meetings of the Candlewood Lake Authority. Contact the Sherman BOS office and ask when the Sherman meeting on the lake is going to happen.

Look Left. Look Right. (No…Not THAT Right.)
Among your friends, neighbors, and acquaintances in Sherman, who do you think would make a great Selectperson…Board of Education member…Defender of Sherman’s environment…Advocate for Sherman’s Seniors?

The Sherman Democratic Town Committee is seeking your suggestions for town positions ranging from Selectperson to Board of Education to Zoning, all of which are crucially important in ensuring our town’s wellbeing and shaping our future. We welcome unaffiliated residents as well as registered democrats, and we are aiming to give your choices the best support possible to succeed in November.

This is an exciting opportunity for Sherman residents to participate in selecting our town leadership, way beyond simply voting.

Please consider your friends and neighbors (and yourself!) as you are looking around for the people you want as your “servants”—the people who are smart, caring, informed, and committed to working for Sherman as a whole. Email us at: with your personal nomination.

Hartford Alerts!

Two bills affecting undocumented immigrants have been introduced into the General Assembly. One would help undocumented immigrants, the other harm them. We urge you to call Representative Smith and voice your opinion about these bills.

Support Proposed House Resolution 6709, which would make Connecticut a “sanctuary” state. The proposed law would bar the State Police from demanding information regarding citizenship from individuals with whom they interact. The Malloy administration has advised Connecticut police chiefs not to take any special action against undocumented immigrants, but the proposed law would put teeth into the policy with respect to State Police.

Oppose Proposed House Resolution 6709, which would repeal the current statue that allows the Department of Motor Vehicles to provide drivers license to people who cannot provide proof of legal United States Residency or a Social Security number. The existing law promotes public safety by ensuring that everyone behind the wheel is a good enough driver to pass the licensing test. It also makes it possible for undocumented Connecticut residents to seek and hold jobs and to be more actively involved in their children’s schooling (e.g., attend school events).

Washington Alerts!

The school reforms pushed by the new Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, are no longer merely worries. House Bill 610, combining the “Choices in Education Act” and the “No Hungry Kids Act,” would repeal the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA). It also repeals regulations requiring that school breakfast and lunch programs meet basic nutritional standards. We urge you to call Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty and voice your opposition to this bill.

ESEA provides over $14 billion a year to schools and school districts having large numbers of students from low-income families. The bill replaces these grants with a voucher program, paying for children to attend a public or private school of their choice. Voucher programs drain money from public schools. Recent research on statewide voucher programs in Louisiana and Indiana found that public school students who received vouchers to attend private schools subsequently scored much lower on reading and math tests that those who stayed in public school. Other research has also found either no or negative effects of vouchers on children’s education. The real goal of the bill is not to improve public education but to destroy public education.

Ways to Take Action!

This is a rotating selection of a handful of the many resources available to Sherman Democrats who wish to work for our shared values to make state and local communities better.

People Power
People Power is the ACLU’s new effort to engage grassroots volunteers across the country and take the fight against Donald Trump’s policies not just into the courts, but into the streets. Sign up for information on grassroots events and watch the People Power resistance training video on their website.

Connecticut Chapter of the National Organization For Women
The CT NOW chapter is looking for members willing to take action on several bills proposed in the Connecticut House and Senate, several of which are endorsed by Sherman’s state senator, Michael McLachlan.
See their website

CT Democrats Run for Office
Are you interested in running for local office? It could be anything from planning and zoning committees, the Board of Education, or even selectman. The Connecticut Democratic Committee wants to support and empower you every step of the way.

Swing Left
Control of the house in 2018 will be decided by a handful of swing districts. In the interest of consolidating efforts on these important areas, Swing Left locates the closest vulnerable district and educates activists about actionable opportunities to support progressives and defeat republicans in that district. Sherman’s closest swing district is NY-19, which runs right along the border of CT from New Fairfield up to Vermont. Republican John Faso won the district by only 26,000 votes. Sign up to get involved.

CREDO Action
CREDO makes it very easy to work for progressive change. The website links users to multiple petitions and scripted phone call campaigns. Millions of CREDO activists are lobbying decision-makers at all levels of government on issues ranging from demanding the resignation of Jeff Sessions to fighting fracking.

Copyright © 2017 Sherman Democratic Town Committee, All rights reserved.

Paid for by the Sherman Democratic Town Committee, Thomas Conley Treasurer

Editor: Some of the original newsletter has been edited to fit properly. Click here to see the original newsletter

From Desk of Selectman Lowe: Budgets and the Lake

From Town Tribune February 16, 2017. Budget season is upon us and the Board of Selectmen (BOS) meets with town entities in pre-budget hearings on Saturday, Feb. 25 at 9 a.m. and on Wednesday, March 1 at 7 p.m. These, of course, are open to the public as are the following budget workshops scheduled for Thursday, March 9 at 7 p.m. and Wednesday, March 17 at 7 p.m. These meetings, held in Mallory Town Hall, are an opportunity to witness firsthand the budgeting priorities of the BOS.

Additionally, a Town Meeting will be held prior to the regular scheduled BOS Meeting (both presently set for Mallory Town Hall) on Thursday, February 23. The Town Meeting is at 6 p.m. and features nine items that Sherman citizens in attendance will be asked to vote on. The meeting’s Warning is on the Town website. Of note is an authorization not to exceed $99K for tennis court repairs and an authorization not to exceed $10K for a new Town website. Also, the adoption of a dog leash ordinance will be considered.
A year has passed since I joined the Board of Selectmen and I have enjoyed this term (my third in total) very much. Serving as minority selectman is challenging, but for the most part, working with my fellow board members has been reasonably smooth. One of my challenges is staying “in the loop” on issues. Clay and Bob are able to caucus (meet) separately, which is normal and allowable, and allows them to discuss items more at depth prior to meetings. I “catch-up” by asking many questions during the BOS meetings in order to receive clarity. Also, I usually receive my meeting material only hours prior so I am frequently cramming last minute to appreciate agenda items. I like both Clay and Bob personally very much although each one of us is quite unique in style and, in some cases, priorities.
One major difference occurred at last month’s BOS meeting. We had an opportunity to add a Sherman delegate to the Candlewood Lake Authority (CLA) who is a longtime lake resident and someone knowledgeable about lake issues. He also possesses a strong financial acumen, which would be a perfect fit for the CLA as it continues to get its financial house in order. I am a strong advocate for Candlewood Lake. The lake is critical to the local economies of the five lake towns and it’s a beautiful recreational resource for countless people. I also support the CLA who, along with an army of wonderful CLA volunteers, is the primary steward of the lake. I am disturbed by New Fairfield’s recent actions to seemingly marginalize or even end the CLA and am especially disturbed by New Fairfield’s plan to singularly use chemicals to deal with milfoil, effectively abandoning the grass carp eradication plan that the CLA began. For anyone who cares about Candlewood Lake, cares about home values, cares about swimming, fishing, or boating in Candlewood Lake, well, New Fairfield’s approach here is a head scratcher.
Yet, Clay and Bob out-voted me and passed over this qualified person to reappoint an individual who sides and votes with New Fairfield’s current position as an adversary to the CLA.
Regarding Candlewood Lake: milfoil, Zebra mussels, blue/green algae, and water quality all potentially threaten this great lake and we need cooperation and expert attention – not politics – to maintain the lake. Its health and well-being affects everyone in our local area and I ask that people stay current on issues surrounding Candlewood Lake.
From the time I started on the BOS, people have asked me if the meetings could somehow be televised. It’s happened. Since November they have been videoed by an amazing young man named Nick Mastrocinque. The episodes air on Spectrum Community Vision and can be viewed by clicking here for the Jan 26, 2017 meeting.  I’d like to personally thank Nick for his volunteer efforts, which brings the Sherman BOS meetings into the comfort of your own home. Thanks Nick! And thank you readers for reading; please feel free to contact me at

Save ACA, call these GOP Senators

For those worried about the imminent repeal of the ACA – or any of the issues that we care about, Senator Warren’s staff has said that what would help most is to call the five Republican senators who have broken away from the GOP to demand a slow down of the repeal. 
Tell them how much you appreciate their efforts to stop the train wreck and share your story. 
They are:

Senator Bob Corker from Tennessee – (202) 224-3344
Senator Lisa Murkowski from Alaska – (202) 224-6665
Senator Rob Portman from Ohio – (202) 224-3353
Senator Susan Collins from Maine – (202) 224-2523
Senator Bill Cassidy from Louisiana – (202) 224-5824

“I have not had a chance to read the July minutes yet”

From Town Tribune, September 29, 2016 To the Editor:

“I have not had a chance to read the July minutes yet”
– Clay Cope

Yes, this is what Clay Cope really said on record at the
September BOS meeting when the other two selectman began to discuss the minutes of a meeting that had occurred a mere TWO MONTHS earlier.  To audible groans and visible grimaces from the audience this simple and basic agenda item had to be tabled for yet another month due to Mr. Cope’s apparent lack of dedication to the job the Sherman taxpayers>hired him to do.

But, beyond that, late Friday afternoon the other two selectman found themselves summoned by Mr. Cope to an “emergency meeting” of the Board of Selectman on Saturday morning.  This ill-conceived meeting, that failed to meet the minimum requirement of 24 hours notice to the general public, was called because apparently Mr. Cope “forgot” at Thursday night’s meeting that he needed to appoint a “temporary member” to a vacancy on the Board of Assessment Appeals.  Even better is that the proposed temporary appointee is none other than Cope’s campaign manager (and RTC Chair) George
Linkletter.  Is it really possible that both Mr. Cope and Mr. Linkletter (who was in the audience at Thursday night’s meeting) actually forgot about this appointment?  Or is it more likely that Mr. Cope was looking to push this appointment to a quiet, Saturday morning out of the view of the general public?  Perhaps it’s “merely” a matter of compounded incompetence?  In any case, Sherman citizens should know how their town is being run; we are being ill-served.  We deserve better.

Jane Cohn



From Town Tribune, September 15, 2016

To the Editor:

Last month, First Selectman Clay Cope decided to cancel the August 25th BOS meeting stating “as there are no action issues”,denying citizens the right to be educated on Town status regarding ongoing issues. The reality is that he wanted to attend the New Britain “All American City” award gala that evening to gather more “hand shaking photo ops” for his run for Congress. This he later posted and boasted about on his Facebook page.

Selectman Don Lowe wrote 2 weeks ago in his column that there very important reasons why the Board of Selectman should have met that night: issues to be discussed by not only the board but by Sherman residents during Public Comment include the terrible condition of Candlewood Lake, the unusable bathrooms at the Town Park, problematic sodium levels in the drinking water in the center of town, lack of reliable cell phone service in many areas of Sherman, and the continued delay in the survey report on affordable housing which was completed last May. Not even a column from the First Selectman in last week’s Town Tribune to give Sherman residents some kind of update on these issues.
First Selectman Clay Cope wrote an editorial piece in the Danbury Patch criticizing Elizabeth Esty for absenteeism stating: “Esty has already proven she cares little for the small towns in our District, her noticeable and prolonged absence as well as her ongoing partisan political activity.” “All you hear from Esty is crickets.”

Has the Town been abandoned by the First Selectman in his run for Congress? Will he cancel the September BOS meeting if it doesn’t fit in to his Congressional campaign calendar? Guess we can’t even expect “crickets” from Sherman’s First Selectman.

Tom Conley, Sherman

Budget, Dogs, Salt, and Septic


from Town Tribune,  Submitted Article, May 19, 2016

All three of us Selectmen thank the voters of Sherman citizens for passing the Town and School budgets on Saturday, May 14. The two budgets combined will represent a less than one percent increase (90%) over last year’s budget. Clay, Bob, and I received  enormous help from Town treasurer Eric Holub, and wonderful assistance from business administrator Liz LaVia and Ruth Bymes our administrative assistant. We worked line by line to come up with a Town budget that is fiscally disciplined yet, I believe, fair towards the entities we need to support. I was especially pleased as this budget is the smallest increase in the Town budget in 4 years. (Your town budget had increased by 20% in those four years.) Moreover, had we not lost state money in the last weeks, the Board of Selectman would have brought Sherman citizens a flat budget. But we still got very close.


Our voter turnout at the budget referendum was remarkably low. I’m not sure why. Only 357 people voted. To me, this speaks to something I wish would change: I wish more people were aware of what’s going on in Sherman and I wish more people would attend the Board of Selectman (BOS) meetings. Yes, I know it’s not necessarily convenient to go to a meeting after a hard day’s work, but I wish more people were “in the loop” of what issues face Sherman. To help with this, I am making strides to have BOS meetings videotaped and replayed on Charter Cable. We’re getting closer to that becoming a reality. I spoke directly with Charter in April and followed up this week. If we do this, it will make it easier for a person to “stay tuned” to what’s happening in Sherman from the comforts of home. I think that’s a good thing. In addition, Selectman Ostrosky has done a lot of research and effort toward improving our town website and making it more information-friendly. We want you to be informed.


Clay Cope and I attended a meeting with state health officials over the elevated sodium levels in many town wells. I’ll save you the technical jargon and statistics and tell you that this remains a serious problem in Sherman. I’m happy that we are finally taking some action. After further test results are examined by the state department of health, a coordinated effort between the department of transportation and the health department should result in our town having “low salt” areas on the roads. These are roadways where less thawing material is applied. They will be warned with signs and will direct state road crews to apply less contaminate during episodes of snow and ice. This is the stuff that has washed its way into our town wells. The good news is that current levels of sodium and other contaminates will naturally dissipate over time. But we must stop applying the road material so heavily in identified areas or we will never be rid of this problem.


I was disheartened to learn that a soccer coach was attacked by an unleashed dog on Veterans Field. The man suffered a serious bite. I have also received reports of children and adults stepping into dog droppings on both Volunteer Park and Veteran’s Field. Most dog owners are responsible pet keepers, but a few bad apples are ruining it for them. This issue will be on the May BOS meeting agenda and action will be proposed and, hopefully, taken.


Septic tank inspections will be back on the Selectman’s agenda. In an effort to avoid another algae bloom and beach closing, we will be drafting another ordinance and sending it to the public for a vote. Changes to the ordinance from the one presented at last year’s referendum are yet to be decided. Candlewood Lake is our most precious resource. Not only is it a recreational gem, but it’s a prime economic engine and our home values are profoundly tied to health of the lake.


I’ll go out on a limb and hope that our Bob Gordon, who has lived peacefully here for 46 years and touched the hearts of many Sherman residents, is treated compassionately by the powers that be. He made a terrible decision as a very young man but has certainly atoned for it by being a productive positive person in many people’s lives. I’m sure that hiding these 40-plus years has been its own type of prison. He’s in poor health now and I’m not convinced that further incarceration serves any purpose.

Spring has exploded. There are fish to catch, hills to hike, and baseballs to toss. We are lucky to live in such a lovely town. Thank you for reading!

Don Lowe is an ideal leader


From Citizen News, October 28, 2015

To the Editor:

I am writing to endorse the candidacy of Don Lowe for First Selectman. Others have written in these pages of the public service and dedicated
volunteerism of both Don and Ashleigh Blake. I want to focus on some of the human qualities I have observed over many years of friendship and
collaboration with Don that I think make him an ideal leader for our town.

As a writer of fiction, Don shows great empathy for individuals and communities coping with the vicissitudes of contemporary life. As a writer of non-fiction, including highly-respected reference works in several disciplines, he exhibits a great talent for researching complex topics and distilling them down to the essential facts and conclusions.
As a songwriter and musician, he gives eloquent voice to the grieving family of a dead soldier, the straying lover mending his evil ways, the husband and wife learning to live together once the honeymoon is over – real people with real joys and sorrows not unlike those of people in Sherman and every small town in America.

I have seen Don at work with our children as writer, director and stage manager of several Song to Symphony productions at the Sherman School, where he was teacher, mentor and inspiration to a whole generation of Sherman students. He has engaged with older adults at the senior center and elsewhere, not just  in his prior position as a
Selectman but also as a private citizen concerned about the well-being of all in our town. Don has involved himself with campaigns and organizations focused on housing, farming, education, the arts,
natural resources and conservation. He is hardworking, intelligent, articulate and compassionate. Don is the kind of person Sherman
needs as First Selectman.

Please join me in voting for Don Lowe and his running mate Ashleigh Blake.

Mary Rindfleisch,