Category Archives: Biography

Meet the Candidate: Rich Connell

October 9, 2023

Hello Sherman Friends!

I am excited to share with you that I am running as a candidate to be Sherman’s next Town Treasurer.  I have had a long career on Wall Street including being head of Global ($14 Billion) Fund Administration. I am a full-time resident for over 23 years. You may know me from my many roles around town: serving on the Board of Directors for the Sherman Library, volunteering for Naomi, or being the husband of Mary Jane Magoon, a prominent local artist. I am proud of our family of three sons and seven grandchildren.

With the current Town Treasurer retiring and my own recent retirement, I can fully commit my time, experience, and education to serving our community and ensuring its financial security.

I am a fiscal conservative and believe that the Treasurer must operate in an impartial and non-political manner at all times. I am a registered Independent who has consistently voted on the merits of a candidate, not the party they belong to.  

Upon seeing my qualifications, the Democratic party was “excited” to ask me to run as the next Treasurer. To use their words, they felt I was “the right person at the right time”.

As head of Global Fund Administration for a $14 billion hedge fund, I performed due diligence on over 400 executing brokers while working with all the major domestic and international brokerage houses in the world.    Highlights of my  16  years in this area include identifying a  weakness in broker analysis and introducing a  platform that strengthened our commitment to the  Patriot  Act and reduced questionable trading. I also revamped a system for processing trade confirmations, saving over $180,000 in one year.

After leaving the hedge fund for work closer to home,  I became a  conflict resolution specialist for six years, resolving differences between my employer, one of the largest energy companies in the Northeast, and its large-volume consumers.

I have a bachelor’s degree in management from Western Connecticut State University’s Ancell  School of  Business.  To complete an additional degree in paralegal studies,  I interned at the Department of Justice where I researched case law and drafted Medicare fraud complaints for federal court.

As Sherman’s Town treasurer, through my career and even internship, I have developed strong skills for ensuring that our town’s finances are managed optimally and comply with sound accounting practices.

As a twenty-three-year resident, my passion is for making Sherman a better place to live, work, and play. Folks in town know me as one who cares deeply about our town’s quality of life.  I am well qualified in temperament, motivation, and experience to work with town officials, staff, and citizens to achieve our common goals and address our challenges.

Might I have your vote for Sherman’s next Treasurer?

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Ready on day one and fully committed,

Richard Connell

Candidate Bio: Selectman Joel Bruzinski

September 23, 2023

Joel Bruzinski is the Democratic candidate running for re-election to the office of Selectman in Sherman.

Joel is a 25-year resident of Sherman.  Since moving to town with his wife Ashleigh Blake in August of 1998, the couple has lovingly restored a home and property in the town’s historic center.  They have enjoyed raising their son Nathaniel and daughter Eden in Sherman.  “It is hard to imagine a better place to raise a family,” says Joel.  The couple proudly watched their children mature through the Sherman school system and on to high school. 

In addition to his current role as selectman Joel has served on Sherman’s Planning and Zoning Commission for a four-year term, the Sherman Historic District Commission for over twenty years, and is currently the representative for the Board of Selectman on the Sherman School Building Committee. He was the Chairman of the Sherman Democratic Town Committee for three years.   Additionally, Joel has volunteered countless hours for the Sherman SPTO and the Sherman Library Association where he identifies his current role as “Chief schlepper and handyman”.

Joel has worked for Pamby Motors, a family-owned Jeep, Chrysler, and Ram dealership in Ridgefield, for over 27 years.  For most of that time, he has been in his current role as General Manager, dealing with all facets of business operations, logistics, inventory management, cost controls, facilities, staffing, and HR.  Joel also serves as the company’s in-house IT Director executing such duties as negotiating, contracting, and on-boarding new communications systems as well as CRM, security, and workflow solutions.  He provides day-to-day support for company hardware and software across all departments.  Joel prides himself on a track record of maintaining well-trained, long-term employees and navigating his company through the pandemic without losing a single staff member. 

Joel has enjoyed his first term on Sherman’s Board of Selectman.  “This has been a particularly strong BOS in my opinion, and I very much enjoy working with both First Selectman Don Lowe as well as Selectman Bob Ostrosky.  Their combined 22 years of experience on the BOS really shows in the quality of work they perform for the community.  I have tried to learn as much as I can from Don and Bob and look forward to putting that knowledge to work for the town as a more seasoned and proficient selectman in my next term.”

Candidate Interview: Selectman Joel Bruzinski

September 23, 2023

1) What inspired you to run for the position again? 

Two main factors helped in this decision.  The first was that people asked me if I was and stated that they hoped I would.  That sort of positive feedback is always great to hear from folks who believe that you are doing a good job and would like you to stay at it.  Secondly, I feel like you really spend the first two years of the job of Selectman getting the “lay-of-the-land” and learning everything you need to be a solid contributing member of the Board of Selectman.  Now that I have a little bit of experience, I look forward to being able to pull my weight with more proficiency in the role.  I feel that, with Don and Bob, we have a great board and welcome the opportunity to work with them again.  

2) What do you appreciate most about your partnership with Don?

Don and I have had a very direct understanding from day one that my opinion or vote on an issue need not be the same as his simply because we are members of the same political party and ticket and we have held to that.  I have enjoyed some debate with Don just as much as I have enjoyed being aligned with Bob Ostrosky on any given topic this board has addressed.  I feel that is what has made this such a strong board over the last two years.  We all work for what we truly feel is best for the town.  I respect the level of experience that Don and Bob bring while they have never minimized or dismissed any fresh perspective that I may have added.  I have known Don Lowe as a good friend for over two decades.  Working with Don however, has given me a new perspective on the earnestness and effort he is capable of pouring into his role as First Selectman.  Don cares deeply about Sherman.  It is difficult to convey the amount of time and thought he devotes to the job. His experience and knowledge in the role will continue to benefit Sherman moving forward.  

3) From Day 1 as Selectman to now, what has changed the most in the Town?

I think the biggest tangible change has been emerging from the pandemic.  It has been great to see Sherman “thaw” back into its previous wonderful self with events and programs happening in person again. A change that has not been positive is the amount of speeding on our streets.  Don, Bob and I have gone at this head-on with added enforcement and traffic calming measures.  We will continue to do so moving forward.

4) There were some tense meetings this past year; particularly during public comment, regarding such issues as: 5G, Happy Acres Farm, Veteran tax benefits, Air Bnb’s – to name a few.  If re-elected, how do you plan on addressing these issues/resident’s concerns?  

I feel this board has addressed all of these issues and well.  We are currently in process on the Veteran’s Tax Benefits and Air Bnb’s topics.  Happy Acres is discussed often by our board.  Typically for maintenance related needs.  I think David Jellen is doing an incredible job out there and the farm is a gem in our town. People passionate about a particular issue may feel things are not moving fast enough or in the direction that they want at all times. I can assure you that it has been my experience that all concerns raised by the public are addressed by this board in manner that is most prudent for the overall well being of the town.  Most of the topics that this board addresses turn out to be far more nuanced than they appear to be initially with potential negative impact brought on by hasty, or inexperienced decisions.  Don and Bob are an absolute asset to the town in this respect with just shy of 22 years combined experience on the Board of Selectman between them.  I look forward to working with them again in the next two years.

5) Do you have any new Town projects coming down the pike that you are particularly excited about?

The renovation of the school is, of course, the most major project Sherman will face.  As the representative of the BOS on the Sherman School Building Committee I want to assure the public that the level of professional expertise and dedication that the other members of this committee have brought to the table are incredible.  These folks, some of whom are sceptics-turned-advocates after seeing the state of the building, have poured endless hours into coming up with the least expensive and most well-engineered plan possible.  No one, of course, is thrilled about the associated cost of this renovation, however, further delay will only make that cost far worse.  The tax impact associated with the project, an average total increase of 14 percent, is going to be felt for sure and I am certainly mindful that for some households this will be difficult.  We do need to keep in mind however the fact that this Board of Selectman and several previous versions under Don Lowe and Bob Ostrosky, have reduced our taxes while building our surplus and allowing tax payers to keep as much of their money in their own pockets, where it belongs, until a time when it is really needed.  I can say that I am excited about the prospect of bringing our school facility up to the level that our students and teachers deserve.  Sherman is better than those same kids and staff having to wonder if they will have heat or potable water in our school on any given day.  I hope the voters also see us a community that can and should do better than that and vote “yes” in the upcoming referendum.
6) What are some areas of Town that you’d like to see improved upon in the coming years?  

A few things – I am looking forward to moving our BOS meeting into a “hybrid” format through the addition of an Owl conference camera system this BOS has purchased.  This, hopefully, will allow greater attendance of our meetings by the public.  Also, I would really like to see more of our citizens get off of the sidelines and participate in our town in some way.  Since my wife and I moved to town 25 years ago there has not been a time when one, or both of us was not serving on one or multiple town boards, committees or organizations.  I don’t say this as a boast but rather as an example that it is possible.  It is possible for two working people, with full-time jobs to serve your community while renovating a house, tending a yard, raising a family and dealing with everything else life throws at you. Volunteers are the life-blood of small communities and we need as many good folks, with all of their varied talents and perspectives, to step-up and get involved.

7) Anything else you’d like to add? 

I really want to thank all of the candidates who are running for an office in this election.  It takes a certain amount of bravery to put yourself out there in such a public way.  I also want to specifically thank Liz LaVia and Ruth Burns for their kind patience over the last two years in bringing me up to speed and answering all of my questions thoroughly.

Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman Announces her Candidacy for the 30th District Seat in the Connecticut State Senate



Contact: Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman, 203-895-4403

To donate to the campaign, click here

NEW MILFORD, CT (March 9, 2022) – Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman, a long-time champion for children and families has announced her candidacy for the 30th District seat in the Connecticut State Senate. Redistricting now has Sherman in the 30th.

“I am ready to work hard for all 18 towns in the 30th District,” said Zimmerman, a Democrat. “I am an organizer at heart. I love talking to people to find out what’s important to them. I look forward to building coalitions among our diverse residents for smart, bottom-up policies that address our needs. And I really look forward to taking those ideas to Hartford and making our voices heard. I won’t be shy.”

Zimmerman is an organizer who advocates for better pay and benefits for workers. “My Dad was a teacher and my mom owned a bakery,” Zimmerman said. “The challenges faced by employees and small-business owners are the challenges that shaped who I am. I have been fighting for working families my whole life. Now, when our health care is threatened by corporate hospitals, the quality of our children’s education is pressured by unequal access to online learning tools, and our environment is in crisis, I will stand up for our communities and find solutions that benefit all of us.”

Zimmerman has local government experience having served a term on the Newtown Legislative Council and statewide political credentials from her 2018 bid for lieutenant governor and her 2016 race for the state legislature. Her passion for public policy yields results. Eva was awarded Latina of the Year by the Connecticut State Legislature as she enrolled more than 15,000 people in the state’s healthcare exchange during the first three years of the Affordable Care Act.  Zimmerman also launched “Road to Rights,” a voter registration coalition of more than 60 statewide organizers to support civic education and engagement.

Zimmerman’s energy and commitment to public service won praise from State Rep. Maria Horn (64th), co-chair of the Public Safety and Security Committee. “Eva Bermúdez Zimmerman has spent her career advocating for working families throughout the state and would bring passion and intelligence to representing the 30th District as our Senator. I look forward to the opportunity to work alongside her representing the Northwest Corner” said Horn.

Zimmerman had an earlier introduction to politics than most. Before age two, Zimmerman became a plaintiff in a landmark school desegregation case, Sheff v. O’Neill.  The court ruled that “The state had an affirmative obligation to provide Connecticut’s school children with a substantially equal education opportunity … the Court further concluded that school districting based upon town and city boundary lines was unconstitutional.”

Eva’s family lived in the South End of Hartford. Her father, Pedro, is a retired k-12 teacher. He taught at schools in Hartford’s North End during a time in which that community saw violence at unprecedented levels. Eva remembers losing friends to gang and drug violence that plagued Hartford during the years of her youth. Her mother, Carmen, owned and operated a local business located in New Britain, Connecticut that made wedding and sweet fifteen “Quinceanera” cakes. Later on, going back to school for a Bachelor in Education and has worked with special needs children for over 15 years.

Zimmerman attended a regional magnet school in Hartford that was set up in response to the Sheff v. O’Neill verdict. She loved learning and politics was her passion. She volunteered for the Presidential campaign of Al Gore at age 12. At age 16, Zimmerman finished high school early and was selected by Rotary International to go on a humanitarian service project that brought her to the favelas of Brazil. Having grown up in a bilingual community, Zimmerman was fluent in English and Spanish, and during her time in Brazil, she also became fluent in Portuguese. Her experience with the poor in Brazil led her to a career in public policy advocacy, where she has fought against poverty, for wider access to healthcare, and for workers’ rights. She returned to Hartford eager to make a difference. Before college, she worked as a field organizer for Connecticut Public Interest Research Group (CONN-PIRG) helping reduce carbon emissions and create more environmentally sustainable policies.

Eva continued her advocacy during college, protesting the tuition cost increase of the University of Puerto Rico Interamericana, where she was a political science major. She finished her studies cum laude at the University of Puerto Rico Interamericana and was awarded a prestige’s spot representing the government of Puerto Rico through the Cordova Fernos fellowship program where she was stationed with Congressman Rangel Chair of Ways and Means and Representing Harlem New York. As an aide, Eva was assigned to lead abatement, labor relations, and Puerto Rico affairs.

She has been organizing for over 13 years and is currently Director of Child Care and Field Organizing for CSEA SEIU.  She most recently received close to 80,000 votes in this year’s Democratic primary.

In more recent years, Zimmerman has been a leader in CT’s fight for a $15 minimum wage, a state Dreamers’ bill, environmental justice, and women’s rights. If elected, she intends to focus her efforts on those kitchen-table issues that affect working families — affordable healthcare, education, the environment, and economic development. “Like many of you, I am proud to call Connecticut home and even prouder of what our district has to offer,” she said. “I am committed to advancing policies that benefit all the citizens here and that optimize those qualities that make the Northwest Corner so special.”


Kate Kelley Frey seeks position on the Board of Education

Kate Kelley Frey seeks a position on the Board of Education. This would be her first run at an elective office.

Kate was asked why she is running and why she would be a valuable member of the BOE.

“To volunteer my time and give back to a town that has supported and given so much to me personally, and to my family over many years, would be a tremendous privilege. My expertise in curriculum design and best practices would fill a practical need currently existing on the Board of Education (BOE). Running for a seat on the BOE is a stroke of good fortune: to have the special abilities to give back and a strong sense of indebtedness to Sherman.

“I am currently an elementary school teacher with 33 years of experience in public education who has worked with high needs children in Texas and Connecticut.  I have my Master of Science in Curriculum from Western Connecticut State University and a Bachelor of Science from Northeastern University.  I feel my knowledge of curriculum, best practices, and my collaborative nature would be an asset to the Board of Education. I am a good listener, reflective, and value different perspectives. I believe in cooperation and that when we value all perspectives and work together as a community we get a far better outcome than working alone or in isolation. The needs of the children in our community are my top priority and strive to balance that with ensuring that the taxpayers get the best value for their hard-earned money.

“The Sherman School holds a special place in my heart for many reasons. My first teaching job was at the Sherman School. I  taught 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade social studies filling in as a long-term substitute for several months. It was a supportive, close-knit staff who welcomed me with open  arms and who were delighted to have “one of their own,” come back to teach. The students and parents were also a joy to work with, eagerly participating in our celebrations of Ancient Greece and Rome. One parent volunteered to share a slideshow of her life in Iran before she moved to Sherman with my students.  It was a privilege to work alongside my mother and be part of an engaged community of parents, grandparents, caregivers, and friends who all played a role in supporting student learning in the classroom and beyond.

“In 2007 I moved back to Sherman and built a house in the field behind my parents’ house. I would soon gain a new perspective of the Sherman school community as a parent. My daughter and my brother’s boys would all ride the bus together each day and I would get to know all of my daughter’s classmates and families. We fundraised together, attended art shows, talent shows, musicals, chorus and band concerts, and open house night each year. I have heard many stories from friends over the years about how they felt like their child was part of a bigger community at the Sherman School,  being raised and cared for by a community of adults.  I am so grateful that my daughter and nephews were able to belong to a unique  K-8 school community,  make lifelong friends, experience small class sizes, and participate in all the wonderful programs that the school offers.

“My family became full-time residents of Sherman in 1976 when we moved into what we affectionately called “ the camp.” while we waited for our new house to be completed. I have such fond memories of Lake Candlewood and the bugle call at the Boy Scout Camp that would wake us each summer morning to our parents’ chagrin. Little did I know that one of my future Sherman classmates, whose family were caretakers of the Boyscout camp, would be one of my friends, and we would spend winters ice skating and have sleepovers at the lodge. My brother and I made many friends those first years at Sherman School and I still see many of my classmates around town at the IGA or stay in touch through Facebook.

“I realize that my experiences differ from others but I think all students deserve a great public school with the resources, programs, and curriculum to nurture their curiosity, imagination, spirit, talents, and desire to learn. I am honored to be running for a seat on the Board of Education and will work hard to earn that trust.”


James Neunzig seeks a second term serving on the Board of Education

James Neunzig has served on the Board of Education (BOE) for the previous four years. His most recent role is Chair whose term completes at the end of this year.  He now seeks a second term serving on that Board of Education.


James was asked why he is running again and why he would continue to be a valuable member of the BOE.

“Having served the Board of Education (BOE) for the previous four years, I am eager to continue the momentum of that work. I am the current BOE chairperson. If Sherman does re-elect me for another four-year term and you elect Kate Kelley Frey, I would likely have the privilege of serving as the BOE Chairperson for the next two years. Either way, I will work tirelessly.

“My style is to work in partnership with parents, other citizens, and town leaders to address the important issues meaningful to the Sherman community. Investing our tax dollars wisely towards the best school experience for not only the near-term but also for the future is essential to me.

“My wife Kara and I have lived in Sherman for more than 20 years with our three children, all of them have attended The Sherman School.  I am the owner of J.P. Gifford Market, Giffords Catering, and J.P. Gifford Café.  I have over 30 years of experience in the Hospitality business.

“After graduating from the Culinary Institute of America with an AOS in Culinary Arts, I earned a business degree in Hotel, Restaurant & Institutions Management from the Indiana University of Pennsylvania. During that time, I taught culinary arts and restaurant management to undergraduates at the university.

“From those experiences, the most important ability I developed was to listen first and foremost. Ask questions.  Seek expert advice. Gather the facts and carefully form a position that could evolve as new information and perspectives come into focus. Sometimes the result is going in directions originally unexpected. I consider myself to be very thoughtful and reflective and do not make snap decisions.

“I believe in and love our small town.  Even in Sherman, I’ve seen a rich diversity of viewpoints from a wide range of backgrounds. Our children reflect that diversity which must be nurtured along with our commonality,  in our schools, community, and how we administer the BOE.  I want the BOE to foster a safe, congenial, and wonderful educational experience. I want this for my own children and for all my neighbors’ children. I want the school environment to be one in which our more senior members of our community want to volunteer and feel a strong connection to this vital hub of our town—regardless of whether you have children or not.

“My experiences in business have given me the flexibility needed to work with an evolving BOE—one that will experience the departure and arrival of several board members. Both BOE versions share similar goals and going forward, I expect, the new to have some different approaches.  Essential is to respect and use the groundwork laid by the previous BOE and to build on that. To those stepping down, I have gratitude for their hard work and hours of volunteer time. To those willing to step forward, and give thanks and encouragement.

“My commitments bring a full life and am glad I am able to compartmentalize and be the best parent, husband, small businessman, BOE-member, taxpayer, voter, the charitable person I can be with little compromise. I usually donate anonymously and am reluctant to mention the extent to which my businesses and I have freely provided wine dinners, delectables, and staffing to events supporting the Sherman Library, the Sherman Historical Society, and the Sherman Parent-Teachers Organization, and many others. I don’t keep track, don’t care for recognition, and do it just to help. I mention it only for those unfamiliar with me.

“What aspect of being on the BOE have I enjoyed the most? I’ve especially enjoyed the company of both past and present board members. I see everyone’s intent as pure. If re-elected, I will ensure that we efficiently/effectively invest in our children’s educational experience for not only the near-term but also for the future. I will ensure our community is regularly informed of our efforts.


Matt Vogt seeks a full term serving on the Board of Education

Matt Vogt has served the Board of Education (BOE) for the previous two years after being appointed to fill a seat vacated by Missy Alexander moving from the area. Matt now seeks a full term serving on the Board of Education, he runs for this seat unopposed.

Matt was asked why he wants to return to BOE and why he would continue to be a valuable member of the BOE.

For the last year, I have had the honor to fill a seat on the Board of Education by appointment. I hope to continue to fill that seat for the remaining two years of its term. As a small business owner, I bring my experience in operations and budgeting, with an understanding of the balance needed between the financial requirements of operating the school district and the realities of its existence within the framework of such a small town.

Providing the best possible education for our students is paramount. I also feel an acute responsibility to maintain this highly valuable center of our community for our town and for the future generations of Sherman School students to come. I appreciate the opportunity to continue serving the town of Sherman and its school district.

As a lifelong resident of the town of Sherman, I truly believe that its greatest asset is the Sherman School. I spent nine years at the school from Kindergarten through Eighth grade, so I know firsthand the value of the experience Sherman has to offer. I was away from town for about 5 years but when I returned, my step-son entered the school for his 7th-grade year and thrived in the Sherman environment in a way that he was not able to in his previous school district. This strongly reinforced for me the importance of maintaining this school for future generations. He is now 18, I also have a daughter who is 21, twin daughters who are 6, and a son who is 19 months.



Unopposed, Joel Bruzinksi, well known town volunteer, seeks Selectman post

Unopposed, Joel Bruzinksi, well-known town volunteer, seeks Selectman’s post.

When asked why he would make a good Selectman and why he is running, Joel replied:

“I hope to leverage the skill set I have acquired over the last two decades as the General Manager of an exceptionally challenging business. Combine that with the experiences of serving on various town boards and commissions, as well as volunteering for town organizations, I will be a steady and thoughtful advocate for Sherman’s best interests.”

Joel continues…

“While living on Sherman’s “Front Porch” for the last twenty-three years (his house is opposite the Sherman Library) I have developed a unique perspective into the evolution of the day-to-day happenings of our wonderful community. ”


Unopposed, Don Lowe seeks third term as First Selectman

Don Lowe seeks his third term as First Selectman. He runs unopposed. He is well qualified!

Don has served as Sherman’s First Selectman since January 1, 2018.

Prior to that, he was a Selectman from 2015-17 and also a Selectman from 2003-08. Other boards and commissions: Planning and Zoning (2000-02); Land Acquisition Fund –chairman (2005 – present); Sherman Higher Education Fund Board (2000 – present).

Don has been an active volunteer on many fronts in Sherman including land conservation, Senior citizens, arts and entertainment, adult education, the library, the Historical Society, and the Weed Warriors.

Prior to becoming First Selectman, Don worked in an administrative position for Orange County Community College and he taught English, writing, communications, and public speaking as an adjunct professor at several colleges.

He also enjoys a quaint regional career as a singer/songwriter and can be seen performing in many local and regional venues. Originally from North Dakota, Don has lived in Sherman since 1999 and is married to Broadway dancer, Mary Ann Lamb. They have 3 children, David (34), Connor (27), and Rose (18).

Ashleigh Blake: Appreciating the Value of Volunteerism


Citizen News, September 16, 2015.

When my husband and I first came to Sherman 17 years ago we were
looking for an antique home to restore and call our own. We did not
know at that time how important Sherman would become to us and
how deeply we would become woven into the fabric of this wonderful

Coming from Redding, CT I already had an in-depth understanding
of small town life in Connecticut and that the majority of necessary
tasks in such towns were accomplished almost exclusively by
volunteers. We soon learned that Sherman was just the same. Often,
as we labored on our house in the center of town, we would be visited
and encouraged in our effort by townspeople with best wishes. Buoyed
by the encouragement of our, then new. community and the
understanding of the necessity for community minded individuals, I
began volunteering at library and historical society events. Soon I was
asked to serve on the Conservation Commission where I served for 8
years (7 years as vice president). During my time on the Conservation
Commission I was involved with the Natural Resource Inventory
Report, helped organize numerous farm tours, worked on land
conservation measures and attended many planning zoning meetings
and site walks. Through volunteering for town boards and
organizations I came to know some really fantastic people in
Sherman-the type of people who help to build a community and make
it strong.

When our children Nathaniel and Eden reached school age I started
to focus my volunteer work at the Sherman School. I served on the
Sherman Parent Teacher Organization Board for 4 years (3 years as
president and one as secretary). I enjoyed contributing to the wonderful
atmosphere at the Sherman School. I chaired numerous committees at
the school while running the day-to-day activities of the SPTO. I made
it my directive to always maintain a fair approach to school issues and
to give my full efforts to whatever task; big or small, that my
responsibilities encompassed. I enjoyed being a part of the Sherman
School community and contributing a positive attitude.

In my 17 years as a Sherman resident I have volunteered for the
Library, Historical Society, Conservation Commission, the Sherman
Parent Teacher Organization, the Sherman School Art Show,
Matthew’s Hearts of Hope, Weed Warriors, Happy Acres & Matthew
25. All of these experiences have added to my understanding of the
importance of volunteerism. Without the people of Sherman that are
willing to volunteer their time and effort, the town, quite simply, would
not be as wonderful.

It is with a strong background of, and deep respect for volunteerism
that I will approach the job of selectman. It is my firm belief that our
town leadership must cultivate, encourage and, above all recognize the
efforts of those that contribute to make our community great.
Meaningful leadership is best practiced from the “front lines” where the
battle is met with rolled up sleeves and tireless hours of selfless service
not 10 minute cameo appearances and photo ops. My philosophy of
leadership will be this: Lead by example. recognize that your
volunteers are one of your most valued assets, and constantly strive to
encourage all who wish to contribute.

In the next several weeks leading up to the election my running-mate
Don Lowe and I will outline what we intend to do to make our
community even better. There is a great deal of room for improvement
in a multitude of areas in the wake of the last few years. I would
strongly encourage you to test the validity of my last statement. How?
Ask a Sherman volunteer.