Citizen News, October 14, 2015
I am compelled to write how delighted I am with
all of the campaign support we’ve received. Both
the financial support and the goodwill sent our way is
remendously appreciated. Thank you! Meanwhile,
we’re working hard toward a fresh start for Sherman.
First, however, let me recommend a terrific book:
Step Forward America! by Sherman resident. Ted
Hollander. Mr. Hollander emphasizes the notion of
national service for America’s youth in order to lift
America up. Full of interesting facts, Step Forward
America! is absent of any political slant and the
resulting polarization. One can easily connect this
book’s thesis to Sherman, a town full of volunteers,
dedicated to the service of Sherman.
I also applaud my running mate, Ashleigh Blake,
who somehow found time (between family,
meetings, the campaign, and delivering meals to
those in need) to attend grant writing workshops in
preparation to help Sherman find dollars for
upcoming projects. I know a thing or two about
writing myself, and Ashleigh and I will make a
strong team in that area for Sherman.
Along with bringing a sturdier work-ethic and
better effectiveness, another goal of mine is to mend
the political fence between the town’s political
parties. Sherman initiatives would run much more
effectively without the yoke of party politics. For
example, after being asked to run for First
Selectman, I requested that the DTC not run
candidates for positions already adequately filled.
Chairman Joel Bruzinski immediately agreed. Yes,
the DTC had candidates for town treasurer, town tax
collector, and town clerk. But did we have better:
candidates? Eric Holub and Tabitha Fazzone are
terrific at their jobs. And I don’t want to purchase
my hunting and fishing licenses from anyone but
Carol Havens. Why expend energy (and acrimony)
to fix what isn’t broken? Also, I found myself
nodding in agreement with Clay Winters and Bruce
Hoag over their recent letters of support for Bob
Ostrosky. Yes, that’s the Bob I know too. Frankly,
it’s highly likely that both Bob and Ashleigh will earn seats on the Board of Selectman. That’s a lot of talent! I’d be proud to serve with both.
I will not, however, allow my opponent’s recent
campaign untruths to go uncorrected. Mr. Cope
claims that I am responsible for Sherman’s debt
(borrowed money via bonding to pay for projects).
That’s just political mumbo-jumbo. Or, if it’s not,
then Mr. Cope displays a child-like knowledge of
budgetary and capital improvement matters.
Sherman citizens VOTED and APPROVED – in
some cases overwhelmingly – the EMS facility’s
reconstruction, the new library, to purchase Happy
Acres, to purchase open space, and for town
maintenance projects. Does Mr. Cope believe we
‘should have stockpiled the taxpayers’ money (“pay
as you go” he blithely says!) for many years down
the road to pay for these voter-approved projects?
Does he think it fair that the people who approved
these projects should wait 15 or 20 years to see them
come to fruition? Under Mr. Cope’s “logic”
someone new in town, say in year 2035, would get
to enjoy the “grand opening” of the new library that
voters approved 20 years earlier? And voters,
especially newer residents to Sherman, don‘t be
misled by Mr. Cope’s claim that he rescued our
bond rating (a centerpiece of his accomplishments).
The Moody’s rating has been the same (Aa2), the
highest a town of Sherman’s size can achieve, since
2008. A negative outlook, however, was issued in
2013 on Mr. Cope’s watch. He fixed his own
mistake. Is that an accomplishment?
When I’m First Selectman I will not propagate
this sort of misleading info. It divides us. Every day
‘when I walk into work I will take a directive to find
solutions to Sherman’s challenges always with an
eye‘ to bringing us together. Most importantly, I will
give the job the 60 hours a week it requires and that
you the taxpayers deserve. Yes, I’ll fight hard for
Sherman. Feel free to call or email me anytime.
Phone: 860 350 4115; Email:
Thank you!