Participatory Democracy

Citizen News, Letter to Editor, October 28, 2015

To the Editor:
In just a few days, residents of Sherman will have the opportunity to vote for members of the Board of Selectmen and numerous Town Boards and Commissions. I strongly urge you to vote for Don Lowe for First Selectman and Ashleigh Blake for Selectman, as well as the excellent slate of candidates, a number of whom are Republicans, that Don and Ashleigh support.

Don Lowe has proposed an important change in the format of the
monthly Board of Selectmen meetings. Presently, residents may speak
for three minutes at the beginning of the formal agenda and again for
three minutes at the end of the formal agenda. Questions raised
during these three minute statements are not responded to by members
of the Board. It can be a frustrating experience, particularly when you
are speaking about an item listed on the evening‘s agenda. Not
infrequently, one feels that they have been, essentially, ignored. On
occasion, the present First Selectman, Clay Cope, will invite the
speaker to arrange to meet with him in his office during the week so
they can discuss the matter at greater length. This is often a most
unsatisfactory response as the speaker is seeking to have their
comments considered in the Board’s discussion of the topic!

Don Lowe is proposing to include resident comments and questions
during the part of the meeting devoted to that agenda topic – perhaps
even including a well-informed resident in the dialogue not unlike the
present practice that includes comments from Boards and
Commissions during parts of the agenda.

Don Lowe and Ashleigh Blake are committed to engaging residents
and volunteers in the work of the Town of Sherman and to effectively
using the resources of the Town in their administration.

Vote for Don Lowe and Ashleigh Blake. They are advocates of
inclusive, collaborative, open, and effective government for the Town
of Sherman.

Stan Greenbaum,