Frequently Asked Questions

What is the DTC?

Every town in Connecticut has a Democratic Town Committee (DTC)—169 in total. Think of it as the backbone of local democracy. We help recruit and support Democratic candidates, encourage voter engagement, and make sure our community has strong representation.

Our meetings and caucuses are open to the public, but the committee itself has a set number of voting seats. Unlike some towns, the Sherman DTC does not have its own set of bylaws, so we follow the Connecticut Democratic Party’s state rules instead. If you’re interested, you can find those rules here: CT Democratic Party Rules.

What is a Central Party District?

To help coordinate efforts across the state, the Connecticut Democratic Party organizes DTCs into regional “Central Party Districts”. Sherman is part of the 30th Central Party District, which includes all the towns in our 30th State Senate district.

Each Central Party District elects one man and one woman to serve as representatives. Our representatives are Audrey Blondin and Stephen Ivain.

Their role is to act as a resource for local DTCs—they receive updates from the state party, share important information, and help us stay connected with Democratic efforts across Connecticut.

What Do We Actually Do?

You’ve probably heard all politics is local—and it’s true. Our main job is to make sure strong, qualified candidates get on the ballot and have the support they need to win.

  • Every year is an election year!
    • Odd-numbered years (like 2025) are for local elections—Board of Selectmen, Board of Education, and other town roles.
    • Even-numbered years (like 2024 and 2026) are for state and federal elections—state legislature, governor, U.S. Congress, and so on.

Many of Sherman’s elected positions are volunteer roles, so we’re always looking for people who want to step up and serve. The good news? Sherman isn’t as politically divided as other places, so local elections tend to be more about community and less about party lines.

Where Does Sherman Fit in the Bigger Picture?

Sherman is part of:

  • State Representative (108th District) – Covers Sherman, all of New Fairfield, part of New Milford, and a small piece of Danbury.
  • State Senate (30th District) – Covers most of Litchfield County, Sherman, and part of New Fairfield.
  • U.S. Congress (5th District) – Covers Northwest Connecticut.

You can view official district maps here: CT Legislative Maps.

What a DTC Isn’t

We’re not an issue-based group. Our job isn’t to write policies or push specific causes—we focus on electing leaders who will fight for the issues we care about. That doesn’t mean we don’t engage with important topics or work with advocacy groups, but our main mission is to get the right people in office.

Why Join?

Because it’s not just about politics—it’s about people. We work hard, but we also have a great time doing it. Whether you want to be super involved or just stay informed, there’s a place for you here.

If you’re interested, have questions, or simply would like to get on our mailing list let’s chat, email