Monthly Archives: May 2022

Seeking Person to be the Democratic Assistant/Deputy Registrar

The current Democratic Assistant/Deputy Registrar, Carol Muska, will be stepping down soon.  Anyone interested in this post or knows someone who may be, please email

This Deputy position will be appointed by the Democratic Registrar.

Carol says, “It is a pleasant, nonpartisan environment working with the Republican Assistant/Deputy Registrar and both the Democrat and Republican Registrars.”

Assistant/Deputy Registrar’s duties vary depending on the time of year. December through March are quiet times and office hours are minimal, if at all. Generally, June through September are also quiet requiring few office hours, unless it is a year with voting event(s). Occasionally,  the Registrars may need office coverage in their absence for vacations or extra office work.
The regular Registrar of Voters’ office hours are on Thursdays, 10 am – 1 pm.
During the six weeks prior to the following voting events: primaries, elections, and referendums,  the Deputy would work the regular office hours.  During each day of the voting event, the Deputy with a team, would work the entire day and coordinate poll workers, test ballots, and set up for the vote.
Carol emphasizes, “It’s a wonderful opportunity to serve our community through this very important privilege of voting.  I have enjoyed my position immensely and would be happy to provide more information to anyone interested. Being part of the town’s voting process was an experience I’ll forever savor.”