During its March 23rd caucus, the Sherman Democrats unanimously elected its three allocated delegates to the Democratic State Convention to be held at the 30,000 seat Xfinity Theater in Hartford. The delegates are Vice Char Sunday Fisher, Treasurer, Bob Gamper, and Chair Jeff Ginsburg
During that caucus, no one volunteered to be alternates for the state convention nor as delegates for the other conventions: state senate, congressional, state rep, and probate. Therefore, the caucus unanimously voted to give SDTC Chair Jeff Ginsburg the authority to appoint alternates to the State Convention, and up to three delegates each to the Senate, Congressional, and Probate Conventions.
Barbara Ackerman, a former probate judge, will be a delegate to the probate convention.
Dates of the conventions:
May 6th & 7th: State Convention
May 9th: Congressional Convention (nominates the U.S. Representative to Congress)
May 10th: State Senate
May 11th: 108th House District Convention (via Zoom)
May 12th: Probate Judge
If you are a registered Democrat or Unaffiliated, you are welcome to take part and be a delegate in this historic process vital to our democracy. It’s also a chance to get to know other like-minded folks. Please contact shermandems@gmail to find out more.