Sara Laughlin has stepped up and agreed to become Sherman’s Democratic Registrar. She has already begun and appointed Carol Muska as the Deputy Registrar.
Sara and her husband Tim became Sherman residents earlier this year. She is a retired teacher, having taught in the Brookfield Public Schools for nearly 40 years. Sara and Tim are excited to call Sherman home and “are enjoying our beautiful community as well as being closer to our children and grandchildren”.
Tim Laughlin, Sara’s son, serves on the BOE and significantly contributed time and effort to our recent campaign.
We are grateful to our previous Registrar of Voters, Joe Keneally, and the Deputy Registrar, Carol Muska, for all the devoted hours they have volunteered.
The Registrar of Voters, one from each political party, performs all duties required by Connecticut General statutes governing voter registration, the annual canvas of voters, primaries, elections, and the compiling and retaining of statistics for federal, state, and municipal agencies.