From Town Tribune, Oct 26, 2017. To the Editor: One of the most important qualities a leader can possess is Honesty, followed closely by Accountability. Neither of those qualities are exhibited by Sherman’s Clay Cope. When the question was asked at the debate “When did you learn about Cricket Valley fracked gas power plant only 3 miles away from Sherman, CT?” Clay stated that he “didn’t recall receiving any letters about it” and he “only recently learned about it”, I was shocked. See the debate video on the Town Tribune website.
Either 1) Clay Cope doesn’t read his incoming mail, as there is an 86 page letter from Eversource (Click here to see the letter)cc’ing him dated February 5, 2016 on public record at which he “does not recall receiving” AND he forgot about his live meeting with Eversource on December 9, 2015 (also a matter of public record), OR 2) he is not taking accountability for this major mistake in recognizing a potential threat to Sherman. Either scenario is unacceptable in a leader. In contrast, Don Lowe stated that he learned about this matter from a citizen in late August and he has already contacted Congresswoman Esty, Rep. Mclachlan, Rep. Smith, and CT Attorney General George Jepson about this “major source of air pollutants at a state and national level” as described by the EPA in the Environmental Impact Statement on file at the Dover Town Hall. Don raised the Cricket Valley topic at the last 808 meeting as a concern, and it will therefore be discussed at the 808 meeting on Oct. 26. I urge all who are concerned about their air and water quality to attend this BOS meeting and see which of our leaders are knowledgeable enough to figure out how to handle what is not only a Sherman problem, but is also a regional and state concem. This would have been easier to handle had Mr. Cope read his mail 18 months ago. or had the ability to understand that what he discussed at the 2015 meeting with Eversource regarding Cricket Valley was something he should mention to others in town.
Despite Mr. Cope’s defeatist position that “it’s too late now” the #StopCricketValley team is saying it is NOT too late. Other power plants that were fully built out, have been shut down. Visit their facebook page page to see what you can do to help prevent NY from dumping its air pollution on CT in violation of the interstate provisions of the Clean Air Act. CT is currently suing another state for a similar plant dumping air pollutants on CT.
I expect better of a First Selectman whose job is to protect the interests of Sherman. But then again, when you are Mr. Cope and are hoping to leave your temporary rental in Sherman for Washington, DC you might not be so concerned about long term Sherman issues. We deserve better.
Jen Freed, Sherman